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BIF Mallard

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I cannot believe how beautiful these duck pictures are!

….an idea flip them so they move left to right??


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

In general we perceive forward as left to right as thats how we write! It’s also better to have it isolated from the original, so we just see it by itself.

I love it taking off!



Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Cool shots. I personally prefer the direction that you have photographed the birds with the negative space to the left. At least with this image anyway. Not sure why, but I am confused with the reversed one. Maybe just my brain LOL

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Cool shots. I personally prefer the direction that you have photographed the birds with the negative space to the left. At least with this image anyway. Not sure why, but I am confused with the reversed one. Maybe just my brain LOL

Once you have seen the original you can’t under it, so that may affect your comfort level.That picture is complex, the next picture is far simpler!

But for the flying bird image, I think left to right might be clearly better!


James Lemon

Well-known member
Cool shots. I personally prefer the direction that you have photographed the birds with the negative space to the left. At least with this image anyway. Not sure why, but I am confused with the reversed one. Maybe just my brain LOL
Thank you for your comments Robert !

James Lemon

Well-known member

Once you have seen the original you can’t under it, so that may affect your comfort level.That picture is complex, the next picture is far simpler!

But for the flying bird image, I think left to right might be clearly better!

Either way birds take off and land into the wind just like planes do so its important to have the wind at your back !