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Boring art?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Impressive for so many reasons! First, Cem, the massivity of the artwork and then the skill of the artist.

But the humor in showing the tired, as you point out, totally bored guard/museum attendant adds so much more dimension in time and space!

Notice though how the artist's "lens" fails to illuminate the edges well!



Well-known member
Thanks Asher. I hope I don't have to remind the lookers that this is one of the most famous paintings in the world, the Night Watch by Rembrandt?
I like Antonio's point - he's bored looking at the fans. With such a mammoth artwork one is likely to find a new detail every time one looks at it...
But Cem's title is so very fitting to the composition!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I like Antonio's point - he's bored looking at the fans. With such a mammoth artwork one is likely to find a new detail every time one looks at it...
But Cem's title is so very fitting to the composition!

Cem has always loved museums and from each of his visits he finds unique compositions. But instead of taking memento “snaps” his pictures have impressive longevity in that they transcend the particular of what happened.

He seems to take pictures like an experience and wiley chess player. Each move predicts a sequence of immediate, reflex reactions as well as well thought out eventual responses in us, who he ultimately respects to be able to counter his pose, posture, purpose and position!

He leaves and does his thing and then comes back reinvogated. Right now we have to wait! He’s not a messiah, but nevertheless, he has developed a unique voice that is worth our attention.
