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Callanish Standing Stones

Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
Callanish (Calanais) Standing Stones is a magnificent setting of, well, standing stones in Isle of Lewis, Scotland. They are older than the pyramids or Stonehenge, and like Stonehenge their original purpose is unknown.

We did a tour of Scotland this May to mark my wife's 50th anniversary. This is the first postcard from that journey I'll be posting here.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Callanish (Calanais) Standing Stones is a magnificent setting of, well, standing stones in Isle of Lewis, Scotland. They are older than the pyramids or Stonehenge, and like Stonehenge their original purpose is unknown.

We did a tour of Scotland this May to mark my wife's 50th anniversary. This is the first postcard from that journey I'll be posting here.

Do you mean 50th birthday?

Yea the stone columns are so impressive. Have they done archaeological digs to look for artifacts in the layers of soil?


Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
They had a nice visitor's centre. There was quite a bit about the history of the stones (and of the Outer Hebrides). I need to ask my wife about it, I usually just rush past the exhibits :-D