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Cambodia - Faith

Giulio zanni

New member




Thanks for looking, Giulio

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Giulio,

Thanks for sharing your images of these beautiful people.

The first image though out of foucs and elbows are cut off is interesting in that it places the person as a supplicant in devotion as if showing respect and asking for help too.

This is the very esence of prayer. It recognizes a superior authority and presumes that there is some help possible come from that power.

The secoond pciture, has the same feeling but boiled down to innocence.

Hi Giulio,

I enjoyed both this and the Kashmir set. I am very fond of Asian and Indian* art and how they are reflected in their communities and cultural institutions.

enjoy your day,


* I do not use Indian to mean anything but Indian. Hence when I say West Indian I am implying their are from Punjab or Kashmir and not the Americas.