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Cheetah 180

Seen this pose quite a few times and the agility always amazes me how they can spot their prey from all sides ... ultimate predator!

D850 200 to 400 f4
400mm f6.3 1/1250 iso 400
Africa big cats photo safari, Feb 2024

Cheetah 180 et.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This is a superb photograph that captures the lean muscularity of the fittest and most effective predators. You have done such a wonderful job.

How different is this from the out of camera original shot?

Such power and awesome beauty in a killer!

This is the reality of life not “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”!

In order to produce such a swift killer, other animals must be able to outwit or outrun it or else multiply faster than they can be eaten!
