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A Muse Visits! Chloe: a Wonderful Photography Assistant and Muse!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Chloe helps me with my studio, office and posing!

She also copied a dress I had for her with new material we bought together.

I hope you like the way it readily hangs in beautiful folds.

Here are out of camera not-edited shots from several days ago.




I hope you like the poses and dress.

You also can get a sense of my garage space studio. All the lights are suspended via Manfrotto spring m-loaded pantographs on Manfrotto ceiling rails so there are no cords to contend with on the ground.

When the shoot is over, the lights are simply raised to the 12 ft ceiling and our car returns home!



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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
It is a nice setup you have there. I see two lights, but there must be at least a third one.
The light on the left is from Canada, a Mola and its larger sister is the key light above and to the front of the model(s) at 45 degrees.

To each side are gridded tall and narrow soft boxes.

At the far end of the studio is the 84” Octadome in front of which I sit with a monopod with a round base supporting a fluid head for the Fuji GFX.

The table is supported by an electric piston so that it can be elevated by a switch on the table top.

[The latter has just enough room for my laptop, as I learnt the hard way that the Godox TTL needs the exposure confirmed as it underexposes in my system by at least 3-5 stops if not corrected for! I intend to calibrate the system with a flash meter sometime in the near future].

I will be adding

1. an independant Lumedyne flash system just to deal with the background.

Projection Gobo attachments to two strobes to allow shadows/colors/flairs to be projected on subjects and backgrounds as needed.

I added about 8 extra power outlets around the perimeter of the front of the studio ceiling. This allows almost everything electrical hangs permanently on adjustable rails, from the ceiling.

So there are no cables or fittings to take out or put away!

I have a second set of lights for location shooting!

So cool; she looks fabulous. And you said she copied the dress. Do you mean she made this? If yes, it looks fabulous and I love how soft and flowy and how the folds are like in an old classical painting. Your new studio/garage seems fabulous and ingenious! :) Maggie

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
So cool; she looks fabulous. And you said she copied the dress. Do you mean she made this? If yes, it looks fabulous and I love how soft and flowy and how the folds are like in an old classical painting. Your new studio/garage seems fabulous and ingenious! :) Maggie

It’s wonderful to have you stop by.

I am so proud to work with Chloe. She’s interested in a career in Psychiatric Social Work. She has no arrogance and can adapt to any task thrown at her.

She’s amazing at sewing!

I had taken this picture below of Jasmine, some years ago with such exotic flowing folds in a long skirt that I had her lift up to cover her chest too, like a dress would!

I then laid the material in folds on her left thigh.


Ever since then, I’ve hunted for that same fabric!

Only Chloe knew how to chase it down and we shopped together for lengths of this material for her to make dresses copying a pattern I had but making them longer to be able to maximize folds.

Now we are building a collection of these flowing dress. The fabric is so delicate that we have to fold it and not leave it hanging!


Greg Boycott

New member
Awesome to have a readily available muse and space to use. My muse went domestic, and two regulars either moved or drifted away from "the scene", which around here has all but dried up completely.
Love the shots, would like to see the finished results.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Chloe return today to shoot with these red irises.


I will process my files and post several here shortly!


Deleted member 55

Asher do you mean the say it’s not an tail pipe for your Hot Rod?