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Chloe has a visitor

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Carla's younger son Larry, who lives in far northeastern New Mexico, visited us in Alamogordo to take care of some family business. He brought their dog, Foxy. She is seemingly mostly a dear-head, long-haired chihuahua. She is precious, and is amazingly like our Chloe in temperament, personality, and mannerisms.
Here we see Foxy's head shot:


The two dogs got along famously. Chloe taught Foxy how to use the doggie door. One afternoon they had a wonderful wrestling match in the living room. It increased in intensity, and at one point one of the dogs yelped in little pain, at which point the two dogs immediately retreated to opposite corners of the area as if at a referee's command.

Foxy is a rescue dog in a very literal sense. Larry was driving in the dark along a country road when he saw the glint of his lights on a couple of little eyes on the left berm of the road. He stopped and saw that it was this bedraggled little dog. He opened the car door and said, "Well, get in". Foxy came across the road and hopped into the car. The rest is history.

Here are Foxy and Chloe, both standing on two legs, hoping that Carla has some special treat for both of them:


Here are Carla, Chloe, Larry, and Foxy:


Here are the two new friends:


We think Foxy will be visiting again soon.

Best regards,

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Carla's younger son Larry, who lives in far northeastern New Mexico, visited us in Alamogordo to take care of some family business. He brought their dog, Foxy. She is seemingly mostly a dear-head, long-haired chihuahua. She is precious, and is amazingly like our Chloe in temperament, personality, and mannerisms.
Here we see Foxy's head shot:

The two dogs got along famously. Chloe taught Foxy how to use the doggie door. One afternoon they had a wonderful wrestling match in the living room. It increased in intensity, and at one point one of the dogs yelped in little pain, at which point the two dogs immediately retreated to opposite corners of the area as if at a referee's command.

Foxy is a rescue dog in a very literal sense. Larry was driving in the dark along a country road when he saw the glint of his lights on a couple of little eyes on the left berm of the road. He stopped and saw that it was this bedraggled little dog. He opened the car door and said, "Well, get in". Foxy came across the road and hopped into the car. The rest is history.

Here are Foxy and Chloe, both standing on two legs, hoping that Carla has some special treat for both of them:

Here are Carla, Chloe, Larry, and Foxy:

Here are the two new friends:

We think Foxy will be visiting again soon.

Best regards,


What happens after the new puppy’s visit ends? Does Chloe look for her missing friend?