• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. D

    Animal trouble makers!

    My backyard! Gremmie the bait and switch chaweene with Tiny Tim the large kitten I rescued off of the freeway.
  2. D

    The cutest puppy ever!

  3. D

    So He thinks he is a dog!

    Meet Piglett the cat. He acts like a dog. He plays fetch. He comes when he’s called. Sadly he’s now a girl. He had a UTI that almost killed him. They used his boy parts to replace his plumbing and saved his life! PS His name is a politically correct adaptation of his real name which is Pig...
  4. WiiliePacher


  5. Doug Kerr

    Chloe has a visitor

    Carla's younger son Larry, who lives in far northeastern New Mexico, visited us in Alamogordo to take care of some family business. He brought their dog, Foxy. She is seemingly mostly a dear-head, long-haired chihuahua. She is precious, and is amazingly like our Chloe in temperament...
  6. Doug Kerr

    Meet Chloe

    I know many of you recall my posting about the sad death about a month ago of our precious dog Isabel, who succumbed to lymphoma. She had been a wonderful friend, especially to Carla during her recovery from cancer surgery and the ensuing punishing course of chemotherapy. We realized how much...
  7. Doug Kerr

    Goodbye, Isabel

    I didn't inform you about this at the time as it was too painful to write about it. (It still is!) Our precious dog, Isabel, died through euthanasia on May 31, 2022. She had been diagnosed only a few weeks earlier with lymphoma, and it quickly spread through her whole body. Isabel was...
  8. D

    Meet TinyTim, I found him on the freeway!

    Presenting TinyTim the black cat!
  9. D

    Like Cats and Dogs!

  10. D

    Cat & Dog

  11. D

    R.I.P. Gidget

    The sweetest little girl you could ever meet! She was over 15 years old.
  12. James Lemon


  13. James Lemon

    Pet Care

  14. Doug Kerr

    Meet Isabel

    This is to introduce Isabel, the latest member of our little desert family. Douglas A. Kerr: Isabel 3600 She is a precious deer-head smooth-coat Chihuahua (mostly, at least) with a lovely fawn coat. And she is in fact from Chihuahua (Ciudad Juárez). Thus she is Hispanic, and accordingly...
  15. M

    Dog Park

    The dog in the foreground is Sammee. Her former dwelling was a northern reserve. She was most likely part of in feral pack. Her life owes to a humane policeman that couldn't bear to shoot a young pregnant dog during a periodic cull. She had three pups after arrival at the rescue centre. The vet...
  16. D

    Evil or Innocent, you choose?

    Meet Kona.
  17. James Lemon

    Portrait In Natural Light

  18. Tom dinning

    Aussie Dog.

    I’m not big on dogs. The only dogs I’ve owned is the Australian Cattle Dog or Blue Healer. They come in red as well. They have a touch of dingo in them. Bred for long haul cattle mustering. They’ll round up a bunch of kids in a school yard just as well.
  19. Robert Watcher

    For Dog Lovers

    Walking along a street yesterday, an open window exposed a bedroom through the swinging blinds. The dog laying on the bed caught my eye.
  20. P

    Jeep Dog
