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Crossing Bridges

A social commentary on Johannesburg life, transport, and possibly religion (or your own interpretation thereof)

"Crossing Bridges"


We are in the midst of a fuel crisis (fuel workers are on strike, and widespread shortages occurred as drivers flocked to petrol stations and bought them dry). In the midst of this, observe the sad reliance of people on their cars and SUVs (4x4s) when, if life were different, walking would do.

I do not know much about religion in general, but it is my understanding that believers used to have to walk to the mosque - yet now, every Friday afternoon, a large part of this area is congested by the many cars that flock to the mosque - each carrying one passenger. Here, in peak time (when I took the photograph) a single passenger sit, each in their vehicle, expelling liter after liter of patrol as they crawl across the bridge.

Only the "poor" walk.

This past week-end, we decided to walk everywhere we went (danger and crime be damned) and we discovered a whole new world so close to our home - one we never knew about. This will become a ritual for us. However, here, I stood alone on this bridge, early in the morning before work, and captured our sick society. An amazing, sick, society.