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Development of a Series

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Wandering around the Centro Historico area of San Salvador, I came across this set of colorful garbage containers. I framed them and lowered my camera so that people walking behind and any other obstructions would be obscured. I was happy with the shot I had taken, but then began to wonder how I could create an interplay of them with the people wandering around the park. This is how it happened. Photographed with Olympus E-M10 w/14-42mm kit lens in early evening








Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

You would never guess how apt your new series is for me. I will explain in a new thread here!


Handsome and architectural!

The pictures that follow are mischievously and caught my heart string with their intimacy!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Wandering around the Centro Historico area of San Salvador, I came across this set of colorful garbage containers. I framed them and lowered my camera so that people walking behind and any other obstructions would be obscured. I was happy with the shot I had taken, but then began to wonder how I could create an interplay of them with the people wandering around the park. This is how it happened. Photographed with Olympus E-M10 w/14-42mm kit lens in early evening

Perhaps you were noticed in a few cases. Never mind!

Robert this is superb and so original “interviewing” of the denizens of the neighborhood!

Not many folk even notice litter bins. You happen to have recognized perhaps one of the very best versions this design.

The fact that it makes such a satisfactory portal for your impressive picture series, attests to the value of fabulous civic designers in El Salvador!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Those who don’t see you are photographed without you even making a ripple on the natural truth of their routine behavior. Your sampling is pure!

When you are noticed, that in itself, tells us a little more about the attitude to strangers and ow they react, with amusement or with indignation.

No one seems at all angry or put out. That perhaps shows there is little if any clouds of paranoia and xenophobia right now.

I look forward to more such “sampling” through portals!
