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Difference Between Lightroom and Lightroom Classic?


New member
Hello everyone.

I'm a bit confused about the differences between Lightroom and Lightroom Classic.

From what I understand, Lightroom is cloud-based, while Classic is more for local storage, but are there any major workflow or feature differences?

I mainly edit RAW photos and want the best option for organizing and batch editing. Is there a big performance difference, especially when handling large files?

Also, does one offer better color grading tools or presets?

I'd appreciate insights from those who have used both and can share their experiences.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

(Copied from Adobe.com)

I have both from my monthly Adobe subscription.

But you can also look at Capture One, ON1 and Affinity packages, as they are almost equally powerful and in several cases for less costly!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Some of the best software for color grading photographs includes Adobe Lightroom Classic, GIMP, and Color.io, which offer user-friendly tools for adjusting color balance, saturation, and contrast. For more advanced options, consider Cinema Grade or FilmConvert, which provide professional-grade features for achieving cinematic looks.

For further information, look here.