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Documenting Rural Ontario with my Camera

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Mid-July is a wonderful time of year for an early evening / into the night, relaxing drive around country roads with camera in the holster. Last night provided a variety of subject matter in a few mile block of rugged hilly ditches, trees, rivers and fields being harvested. Anne and I spent a few hours driving slowly and pulling the car over to capture whatever interested us. We topped it off by watching the ISS pass across the dark sky from Northwest to east / northeast at about 20 degrees above the horizon at exactly 10:27pm as scheduled - lasting 5 minutes until it disappeared.

I processed a few images before going to bed.






Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

An astounding introduction to rural Canada.


Good thing you have led an honest life. For a rogue like me, however, I’d be concerned that this fiery sight from God backlighting a tree of life with awesome light, was my very last warning!


You do get up early! 😂

Without the early morning sifting mist reach up to the tree, this vision couldn’t have formed before you.


Robert Watcher

Well-known member

An astounding introduction to rural Canada.

Good thing you have led an honest life. For a rogue like me, however, I’d be concerned that this fiery sight from God backlighting a tree of life with awesome light, was my very last warning!


You do get up early! 😂

Without the early morning sifting mist reach up to the tree, this vision couldn’t have formed before you.


Thank you Asher. This was yesterday evening. Very wonderful to come across this scene. Farm vehicles were causing huge plumes of dust from harvesting the grain fields. The dust intensified the streams of setting sunlight working their way through the tree.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
These are so wonderful, Robert.

Thanks for taking us on such a splendid tour.

Let me ask you about thr Factive versus fictive aspect of such photographic journeys.


It could have been that not only the landscape was in Tuscany Sienna colours.

The sky could have been from last week or the next day and might not fairly represent the full beauty of the place.

So do you give yourself artistic permission to replace the sky or even remove some trash that is not representative of that beautiful location?


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
These are so wonderful, Robert.

Thanks for taking us on such a splendid tour.

Let me ask you about thr Factive versus fictive aspect of such photographic journeys.

It could have been that not only the landscape was in Tuscany Sienna colours.

The sky could have been from last week or the next day and might not fairly represent the full beauty of the place.

So do you give yourself artistic permission to replace the sky or even remove some trash that is not representative of that beautiful location?


I don’t have a problem replacing skies and cleaning up things that I feel detract from the photo I took.

In the case of this pic, I wouldn’t do so as it has the look, feel and mood that I was presented with as I approached the scene. The sky was very soft striated pastel tones. I like the splash of orange colour in the background objects (even matching highlights on the combine). To my eye, the look of the image is natural, even though I have added a lot of processing to it already to get it to this point.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I don’t have a problem replacing skies and cleaning up things that I feel detract from the photo I took.

In the case of this pic, I wouldn’t do so as it has the look, feel and mood that I was presented with as I approached the scene. The sky was very soft striated pastel tones. I like the splash of orange colour in the background objects (even matching highlights on the combine). To my eye, the look of the image is natural, even though I have added a lot of processing to it already to get it to this point.
I think the jpg process for screen display hides those subtle sky striations, but are worthy of the extra effort to bring them to view in a print!
