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Eruption in Iceland

Rajan Parrikar

pro member
This is the magnificent mountain Lómagnúpur in southeast Iceland. See my photo essay Eruption in Iceland for context.


Ben Rubinstein

pro member
Like, I'll never forget driving down that road along the south of the country, one of the longest and straightest roads in the world with a 50mph speed limit. One of my main memories of Iceland is a scene not at all dissimilar to the above!

Rajan Parrikar

pro member
Like, I'll never forget driving down that road along the south of the country, one of the longest and straightest roads in the world with a 50mph speed limit. One of my main memories of Iceland is a scene not at all dissimilar to the above!


I know the feeling well. Some of that frisson can also be had on drives through Death Valley and other areas of the Mojave desert.