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Flash question

Flash question,
I have 2 canon 600ex-rt's, and a yn-e3-rt trigger, I also have 4 yn622c triggers with the yn622tx master, I sometimes use these for firing my alienbee along with my 600's for added fill etc, so my question begins, I'm trying to get away from hauling my alienbee around and the different triggers, so to get a faster recycle time out of my speedlights I want to have 4 mounted on a stand and set to 1/8th power to math the full power of 1 flash, as I was saying I have 2 600ex-rt would I be better off getting two yongnuo 600ex-rt's or going to a different strobe, perhaps a white lightening 1600 thanks

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Flash question,
I have 2 canon 600ex-rt's, and a yn-e3-rt trigger, I also have 4 yn622c triggers with the yn622tx master, I sometimes use these for firing my alienbee along with my 600's for added fill etc, so my question begins, I'm trying to get away from hauling my alienbee around and the different triggers, so to get a faster recycle time out of my speedlights I want to have 4 mounted on a stand and set to 1/8th power to math the full power of 1 flash, as I was saying I have 2 600ex-rt would I be better off getting two yongnuo 600ex-rt's or going to a different strobe, perhaps a white lightening 1600 thanks


Welcome to OPF and thanks for the challenging question!

For faster recycling time, just buy a power pack from Lumedyne.com!

More important is your arrangement of lights and what other lighting there is. Are you photographing indoors, in the street, the beach with backlighting at noon or at setups like a board meeting or an engagement party or wedding.

The purpose and conditions of the shot are the deciding factor not recycling times.

Show some examples of the kind of situations where you need this setup.


Welcome to OPF and thanks for the challenging question!

For faster recycling time, just buy a power pack from Lumedyne.com!

More important is your arrangement of lights and what other lighting there is. Are you photographing indoors, in the street, the beach with backlighting at noon or at setups like a board meeting or an engagement party or wedding.

The purpose and conditions of the shot are the deciding factor not recycling times.*

Show some examples of the kind of situations where you need this setup.

Hi Asher, thanks for the welcome. Your right there's alot of variables that come to play here without specific information, I'll try to elaborate a little more, I only need the fast recycle times in doing fast action like skate boarding, and BMX racing etc, where I need 6 frames a sec for a quick burst of 5 to 8 frames, otherwise yea 1 sec would be fine in a portrait environment. And yes I have the ep-e4 packs for field use but in order to get my faster recycle times I need to be like 1 to 8th power with 3 flashes and about 6 to 8 ft away and this changes of course with available ambient light. It's trial and error cause it's not a studio situation, I believe it's just gonna take more practice I have much better luck at manual mode and flash at 160th iso 400 f7.1 or 8 or 10ft distance. Thanks for the help

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
6/second is very fast!

Just remember you can under-expose up to a stop with today's cameras and recover in RAW processing!


Aarati Desai

New member
For portability, add two Yongnuo YN600EX-RT flashes to stay in the RT system with faster recycle times. For more power and efficiency, a White Lightning X1600 or Godox AD300 Pro offers faster recycling and better consistency than multiple speedlights.