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Frank Gehry's Marquès de Riscal winery by a Sinar Hy6 and eMotion 75 Digital Back!

Ron Morse

New member
Beautiful images Nicolas. You are the right man to show what the camera can do.

Before I forget when were you in the Caribbean? I was their starting Feb 23 for a week. Oh how I would have liked to have met up with you.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Thanks Klaus and Ron

Ron, I was in St-Marteen (not far from US and BVI) for 2 days in January…

Yes it would have been fun to meet, but it was a really fast shoot! A bit like a ping-pong (table tennis) game…
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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
We have created a new section on claris web site for the Sinar photoshoot series.

The section is here

The "making of" can be seen here click on "video "Making of"" on top right.
My post will obviously seem to be biased and with a special agenda, but I wish to say it:

Astonishing images, Nicolas, with such a huge amount of details and dynamic range making these images having such a plasticity and showing so many tonalities.

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