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Get what I deserve.

Tom dinning

Bloody hell!!
I remember taking this in New Zealand a decade or more ago.
I must have been on something when I processed it. Maybe I was f****d by a Kiwi.

I'm pleading guilt anyway.

The nails and hammer are ready. Give me your best.

DSC_2431-2 by Tom Dinning, on Flickr​

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Tom,

I'm just so thrilled by your recent discovery of the typographical concept of the paragraph.

I know you use it sparingly. No sense wearing yourself out with a discovery like that, as one might do when discovering that there were four dozen cinnamon buns in an unmarked bag in the refrigerator in the garage.

Best regards,


Tom dinning

Hi, Tom,

I'm just so thrilled by your recent discovery of the typographical concept of the paragraph.

I know you use it sparingly. No sense wearing yourself out with a discovery like that, as one might do when discovering that there were four dozen cinnamon buns in an unmarked bag in the refrigerator in the garage.

Best regards,


There are many such discoveries that I would rather have found. Cinnamon buns is certainly one of them, a $20 note in a coat pocket, a bar of chocolate in the back of the fridge.
But this can only be compared to finding ginger pubes in a hotel bed.
I haven't seen anything so processed since my last trip to Macca's.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
What are "ginger pubes" in your bed?

Oh, the curly hairs! No they were mine, LOL! They must have come from my shirt!

.....and what is "Macca's"? Could be MacDonalds, that American Nutritional Company?


James Lemon

Well-known member

You should try using more drugs, get some better ones or just stop using them. According to your flikr account the image was taken about seven years ago. You should have deleted it back then while you had the chance.

Judging by your flickr stream you have some good work but you still rely too much on tricks and gimmicks. So it appears to me that you are still trying to pound sand up your own ass.

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

Of course people have many connections to visuals differently. I am just looking at a fantastic, haunting beauty of a photo.. For what it's worth I say awesome work . It sheds light on still the inner photographer perhaps from a dream one had or the ghost-like feeling I get It feels very peaceful actually.


Tom dinning


You should try using more drugs, get some better ones or just stop using them. According to your flikr account the image was taken about seven years ago. You should have deleted it back then while you had the chance.

Judging by your flickr stream you have some good work but you still rely too much on tricks and gimmicks. So it appears to me that you are still trying to pound sand up your own ass.

Are you spying on me James?

How nice.

Unfortunately you will be misled at every turn. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING! is ever as it seems.
My trickery and gimmickry goes far beyond my imagery. It defiles and defines the very nature of who I am and what I do.
What appears to you will take you down the path I have set. Along the way you will witness the pounding of sand among other wasteful and futile activities. At the end of your journey you will find no sign of what you expect.
I'll be waiting for your arrival.


Tom dinning


Of course people have many connections to visuals differently. I am just looking at a fantastic, haunting beauty of a photo.. For what it's worth I say awesome work . It sheds light on still the inner photographer perhaps from a dream one had or the ghost-like feeling I get It feels very peaceful actually.


Shelter not from the gaze of your own visions
Sweet Charlotte, mysterious Charlotte
Be it mine or another clambering for attention
The light steels our hearts as the Harlot
Discrete deceptive beauty lies beneath
Shielding us from lust: not love
Nothing as it is is as it seems beyond the haze
When we gaze upon the discomfort brought before us.