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Great time photographing my boys

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
My two sons Robert (bass, keyboards, vocals) and Ryan (lead singer, guitar) were performing for a private gig at the London City Music Hall in downtown London, Ontario - for a standup audience of around 360 people. There were three bands doing an hour set each. Unfortunately I got there late and missed getting any pics of the first band. Here are a few that I took in the very challenging, but dramatic lighting conditions. It was a great show. Anne and I love music and our home was always filled with live band practices blaring.




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Robert Watcher

Well-known member



Here is pic that a friend took that includes me and Anne (white hair) on the right side of the frame. Anne has had an agressive onset of Ankylosing spondylitis since her early 30’s which limits her ability to raise or turn her head —— but she was determined that she was going to stand right at the front and take it all in, even if it hurt her eyes stretching them up to see. The boys wives were standing front and center, taking it all in like a couple of teenagers - just like the old days 25 plus years ago.

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Photographing in clubs is a hard challenge. There’s not always easy access to the stage, often the band is distributed so widely across a big stage that it’s so hard to obtain a shot that represents the group playing together.

Then the lights are a crazy situation.

So what one has to do is go with it, just making sure the key person one is shooting is well framed and one can capture the energy and spirit Herschel’s radiating the crowd.

Well you have succeeded perfectly. The a
Live action is there and the colors help maintain the mood of the Cubans light reflecting off instruments brings out the fleeting moments of a live performance under the glare of spotlights!

Kudos, your sons have done you proud and you captured their show so well!
