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Had to pick up the camera, even though I don’t feel like it

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Bored today and had to get out of the house and take a drive with one camera/ one lens - lazy shooting from my car window. I haven’t touched my cameras in quite a while. Just not feeling motivated to photograph. I came home from the drive, not motivated by the couple snaps that I took while driving Street after Street.

I transferred the 3 or 4 shots that I took, wirelessly to my iPad, opened them up in Snapseed and am content with creating an interesting print worthy image from tree shaped structures that I noticed on a building wall, where the patterns were created by barren winter vines.


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
There wasn’t much interesting around the Stratford Shakespeare Festival on this dreary day - nevertheless the symmetry of the iconic roof line and crowning peak, caught my eye and provided enough content for a nice capture.
