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Harvest Moon over Lytham Windmill, UK

Andrew Stannard

pro member

This was an image taken a few years ago now, and was one of those (rare!) occasions where my pre-planning and the conditions on the day all came together. I was on location for around 1hr prior to the shot, and was a bit worried that the full moon was going to remain hidden behind the clouds - but thankfully the clouds parted and it shone through in spectacular style. Taken on a Fuji XPro2 with a 90mm lens.


The windmill itself is of course illuminated from below as well - you can make out the floodlights around it's base - but it gives a nice impression of being lit by the moon itself. Exposure on both the moon and the landscape was tricky, and the above is actually the result of two blended exposures - one to pick up some of the detail in the moon.

I was fortunate enough to have this image published in a few of the UK newspapers the next day, and have my own print hanging in our hallway. Some interesting history on the windmill can be found on wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lytham_Windmill ), with the plot of land first being used for a windmill back in 1805. It's a favourite local subject of mine, and I've taken many images over the years, but this remains one of my favourites.

Thanks for looking,

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


What a challenge you gave yourself. This is the sort of picture that can lend the photographer a passion for repeatedly returning to the same RAW file and vowing to start from scratch again and reinterpret, explore, refine and polish the presentation again and again over a period of decades, even a lifetime.

You’ve done remarkably well!
