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Hooray for Google Maps

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Hooray for Google Maps Street View.

I took this artsy photo back in May of 2006 when my wife and I travelled to Montreal for our 30’th wedding anniversary. I was just driving around Montreal and grabbed this cool view of the big arm of the Olympic Stadium. I had no record of the location and have no recollection of where I was.

One clue in the photo when I revisited it this morning, is a street sign ‘Charlemagne’. Maps got me to that street and then it was a matter of travelling along it in street view until I was able to identify the street I was travelling on, and pretty close to the exact spot as well. It helped that the older buildings are still there.

Surprisingly Maps shows a car parked very similarity in the driveway of the home on the right, some 20 years later.

If we ever get back to Montreal again, I’ll now know exactly where to go if I want to capture it again. If I were taking it today, I’d probably have my camera on a tripod later in the day and catch lots of light streaks with long exposures. The location is still great, and I’d just have to hope for a rainy dreary day for atmosphere. Lol



Robert Watcher

Well-known member
This pic with exaggerated camera movement, shooting through the front window of my car, was one of favourites at that time. I still like it and remind myself from time to time how cool movement is for creating mood and atmosphere in my pics on occasion.
