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Howdy! Film shooter new to this forum :)

Matthew Arnold

New member
Hey, my name's Matt (obviously), this is my first post here. I found this forum recently and I'm a bit shocked the film section is only one section deep! I have a D60 and a Canon P&S that I use for random pictures, but never anything serious. All the stuff I shoot that I really care about is in film; to me digital will never stack up.

Anyway, I have an N80 and some lenses, hoping to get a Yashica TLR and a dark room setup in the near future.

Just thought I'd say hi and see how many others feel the way I do about film!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hey, my name's Matt (obviously), this is my first post here. I found this forum recently and I'm a bit shocked the film section is only one section deep! I have a D60 and a Canon P&S that I use for random pictures, but never anything serious. All the stuff I shoot that I really care about is in film; to me digital will never stack up.

Anyway, I have an N80 and some lenses, hoping to get a Yashica TLR and a dark room setup in the near future.

Just thought I'd say hi and see how many others feel the way I do about film!

Hi Mathew,

Post the film! That's a delight here. A lot of us shoot film as well as digital. The Yashica TLR is a marvelous camera. Still, you might also look at the Bronica Sq A as it's even easier to use and sharp as anything out there as well as the C330 Mamiya twin lens reflex. Look at KEH. What they call "bargain" will work fine! All are obtainable at low prices and are first rate instruments.


Mike Shimwell

New member
Hi Matt

There are a few of us film shooters around here - ranging from me with a mix of 35mm, medium format and digital through to people like Dawid and Jim (Galli) with their fully analogue print making and big cameras (in Jim's case at least).

I don't think any of us would claim that ours is the only way, but we all enjoy what we do. As to whether digital will 'stack up', I suspect it depends what you mean. I've just built a new PC, in part to try and protect the valuable digital images I have (being those of family and friends) which require a much more active archiving process than simply sticking them in a drawer and forgetting them for 25 years. If you mean in terms of 'image quality', then there are so many factors at work (not least defining 'quality') that I don't play that game. Of course, there is something nice about holding a negative in your hand and looking through it that digital doesn't offer, which may or may not be offset by convenience of digital capture.

Anyway, look forward to seeing some pictures.

By the way, where are you based?


Greetings Matt

I too use only light-sensitive materials to make pictures. Both film and paper get exposed in the darkroom and in the camera. My photographer's card includes the phrase "Guaranteed no digital" so you can count on my support for film!

Matthew Arnold

New member
Awesome! Good to see film still has supporters :)
I'll get some of my work uploaded pretty soon, I've been very busy lately trying to find a new job, remodeling my house a bit, stuff like that.

I'm from Boise, Idaho by the way. I've been shooting a lot of black and white lately, any suggestions on where to order cheapish B&W film? 35mm for now.