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Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I was contacted earlier this summer about providing portraits of a large family grouping. Although I didn’t really remember them hiring me over 15 years ago to provide portraits for the family —— the matriarch of the family was determined to get everyone together from all over the country, and update all of the changes and additions. Teenagers now were adults and some married with children. The baby that I photographed was now a beautiful young woman.


Firstly this families portrait that I took so long ago, may have been one of the last large formal portraits I had taken - so a little out of practice.

Secondly I am not able to engage in the high energy theatrics that were part of my effective style getting great expressions with children and even animals. I recently developed lumbar spinal stenosis requiring me to sit beside my camera on a stool for the most part. I am not longer in my early/mid 50’s as I was last time I engaged in these activities.

The gear I have available and have been using for the last 15 years for my street and travel photography, is far different than what I used when I was active in my studio days.

Finally the challenges that I would be facing on a blistering hot day where it was required that I photograph mid day starting around 2:00pm —- and attempting to balance the backlight within reason, with 2 Godox speed lights normally used for on-camera flash - and limitations of 1/250’th second shutter speed sync.

I travelled to the location and photographed the family a few weeks ago and while worn out at the end of the shoot, found my old posing methods and camera techniques came right back to me and I am able to provide a quality update to the portraits on their walls. I was determined to pace myself differently and my dear assistant Anne, admonished me when the odd time my mind and adrenaline induced excitement resisted the slow easier pace.
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Robert Watcher

Well-known member
These are a few of the many groupings.




This little sweetheart had been born only a few days before. Mom still had a hospital wristband on that she removed.




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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
You were fortunate to have a helper who knows what each of your hands is going to need in the next 5, 10 and 20 minutes!

It was super ambitious for you to take on this job! The results are stellar. This must have been thrilling for them too!

Glad it went so well but now relish you did it and think twice before considering it again!


Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Rob,

All wonderful work. And thanks so much for telling us of the context in which you undertook this.

Sorry to hear of your lumbar spinal stenosis. I myself have been afflicted by this for about 10 years now (starting when I was about 78), and that is mostly why "I don't get out so much anymore".

Best regards,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi, Rob,

All wonderful work. And thanks so much for telling us of the context in which you undertook this.

Sorry to hear of your lumbar spinal stenosis. I myself have been afflicted by this for about 10 years now (starting when I was about 78), and that is mostly why "I don't get out so much anymore".

Best regards,

I believe that such spinal limitations will be revised by 3D printing so that healthy well structured living bone will replace the stenosis.

We are probably less than 10 years away. I too have spinal stenosis and my wife too!

It’s like a moonshot!

Most of the bioengineering components have been designed, it’s a matter of which group gets organized for studies to prove we can put everything together and “safely land on the moon”.