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Impala - East Africa Safari


New member
Impala with a touch of golden light.
D850 200 to 400 f4

240mm 1/1000 f4 iso 400
February Photo Safari

Impala exposuretours.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Bryan, this buck is so handsome and elegant. So good you caught the head pointing toward us!

Its goal in life is to be constantly aware of threats!

Appreciate you sharing!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I find your picture so important and mesmerizing! Permit me to comment on just the head which your shot demonstrates so well.


The lateral eyes and the huge ears are constantly sensing for the slightest evidence of predators!

That, together with agility and fabulous leaping initial ability, allows such a buck to survive to claim his place to, out-compete other males and at last, successfully mate & allow the species to survive.

Your photograph, when printed life size would inspire children in love and wonders of natures gifts and our precious inheritance in the natuRal workd!
