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Technical Question Is “Expose to the Right” relevant with current digital cameras

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The late original editor and founder of Luminous Landscape, Michael Reichman, preached a rule the became a mantra for all of us: ETTR i.e., “expose to the right”.

The idea was to reduce shot noise.

We all thought that was something that Moses would have added to the 10 commandments had he been gifted with a digital camera of 10 years back!

Now arrived, Steve Perry, a new truth-teller who says otherwise! He questions the whole concept of expose to the right with modern sensors “shot noise only depends on number of photons collected by the sensor during exposure.

He claims that doesn’t matter how the aperture, shutter speed or even ISO is set! The only things that matters is how many photons were collected!

See the video here

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
So who will still use ETTR?

I am sobered up now and just care about getting sufficient light into the camera to minimize shot noise!

But can we do do better?

Remember that pixels, or more better “senses” which represent shadows, need to have low shot noise too!

Also the accuracy of the count is related to the total number of photons captured as electrons. Accuracy is determined by root n/n x 100.

So I suggest the following:

“bracketing a scene should get all the pixels in the exposure scale sufficiently counted accurately and also the shot noise should be optimized.”

Do you have any argument with that contention?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I would first want to be sure I know what you mean by "bracketing a scene".

Exposure bracketing. You may not be familiar with modern bracketing options.

One can have focus bracketing whereby a series of shots is taken with some front focused and others back focused and then the shots are stacked and the focused areas are fused in an optimally focused entire picture.

The same is achieved in exposure bracketing, again built in to modern cameras, say a sequence of shots + 0.5, 2.0, 1.5 and2.0 EV and then normal exposure and a similar series of decreased exposure.


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
The late original editor and founder of Luminous Landscape, Michael Reichman, preached a rule the became a mantra for all of us: ETTR i.e., “expose to the right”.

The idea was to reduce shot noise.

A quick look to the link above gives the reason why the late Michael Reichman imagined that rule: at the time dynamic range of digital cameras was 5 to 6 stops. Therefore, fitting the dynamic range of the scene within that limited range needed compromises. Interestingly, the dynamic range of slide film (the kind landscape photographers used) was about as limited, so compromises were also needed for slide film.

What Michael Reichman noted is that the compromises were not the same. With slide film, one loses the shadows. With digital sensors of the time, shadows could yield some information, provided one exposed "to the right".

Today's cameras have 10 to 12 stops of dynamic range (the sensors may have more, but lens flare limits the end dynamic range). That compromise is no longer needed. One can "lift the shadows" of any picture without noticing negative effects.

As a side note, the dynamic range of displays can be even more limited. This is especially true for prints, in particular on mate paper. There is a reason why museums display photographs as glossy prints under direct light.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Once again, Jérôme,

Your contributions provide the most valuable factual reminders of what’s relevant here: dynamic range, which, as you point out so succinctly, has released us from the previous compromises we were forced to endure!

I should have thought of that myself!

Thank goodness you are far more awake today than I am!
