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LED Lights

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
another Saturday night - another venue





I love them both! did you add the grain?


Otto Haring

New member
Hi Hi

I am making some pictures of Bands down at my Local - they have an LED light set up - I have a 5D mark2 - and never shot under this type of light - any tips?

I cant find much info on the interweb.

I normaly Shoot in RAW - ISO will be High - any thoughts...


Get the more expensive ones. Some of the Cheap Chinese ones have horrible light quality. Better than being in darkness but there is a clear difference between the cheap and the good ones. I use them for wedding photography.

Mark Hampton

New member
Get the more expensive ones. Some of the Cheap Chinese ones have horrible light quality. Better than being in darkness but there is a clear difference between the cheap and the good ones. I use them for wedding photography.

thanks Otto - I don't own the place - and don't use flash - but i will suggest they get more expensive lights !