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Lioness and Cubs

Fun to watch this lion family hanging out, the light was a little harsh but managed to get a few shots.

D850 28 to 300 3.5
200mm 1/400 f10 iso 500
Big Cats Safari Feb 2024
Lioness and cubs.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Fun to watch this lion family hanging out, the light was a little harsh but managed to get a few shots.

D850 28 to 300 3.5
200mm 1/400 f10 iso 500
Big Cats Safari Feb 2024
View attachment 11973
Am impressed that you went on a Safari so recently. Where was it and how many days? Have you been on such a safari before? Did you see any migrations of bison or wilder East over crock-infested rivers too?

Do they just focus on the lions and their game or do you also get the birds too, or that caters to a different group of obsessional shooters with larger investment in way longer lenses!

Did you see folk using single aperture relatively inexpensive 600mm and 800mm lenses in your group!

This trip was 14 days my typical is 10-12 days. Over the last 35 years I've gone over twenty times so ive see all sorts of things. That unpredictability is really the appeal, as a photography there is always something to shoot, it doesn't have to be a dramatic kill, sometimes its the positioning of a flame tree on the horizon or a dramatic sky. I did get some great croc shots in October


croc vs zebra 1.JPG

If the bird is close and either well lit or unique I always stop and spend some time even if its a Big Cats safari. Ofcourse there are some special areas to go out and capture birds like diving fish eagles etc. Typically with birders I add a couple of extra days and we go out in some boats.


eagle exposure tours.JPG

Often we have single focal length uses especially 600mm My personal preference is zooms though as I like the versatility given some mammals move quickly and so having framing option sis good.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Brian, this set is amazing.

That zebra? Did it reach dry land safely?

So worthwhile a life experience! How expensive are these trips.
