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M8 at f8 on a California Freeway and Moire at 60mph!

Nat Burgess

New member
I want to go on a road trip

Moire or none, this picture screams "road trip." Did you have babies in need of a diaper change in the back seat when you took it? Or a **** art student in search of an adventure? When I see a good picture of an abandoned house I feel nostalgic for my childhood home, because in a child's mind it could be inhabited only by me - or nobody. And I love pictures taken from the driver's seat, because they remind me of road trips I have taken - and hope to take. Fitzgerald said we are borne "like boats against the current, ceaslessly into our own past" (or something like that; I don't have a Bartlett's handy), but I want to see more pictures that promise a trip with the current, into something new. Leave the house to buy a tomato and return three days later with a headache, a sunburn, and new friends in three states. That's what I'm talking about. Oops - time to change a diaper.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Diaper change? been there, done that but not in a car at 60 MPH!!!

I have signalled off the road people with loose babies who risk their kids! of course they think I'm crazy!

Yes, road and train trpis are great!

O.K., you're invited to post your contributions amd then I'll add more.
