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M8 in old Las Vegas

James Roberts

New member
Well, I posted a link to this set of photographs previously, but I wanted people here to see them as well.

These were shot between midnight and 3 AM at Fremont and the Vegas Strip under the "mall roof" there.

They're proofs, actually, and in some ways don't do the M8 justice in terms of image quality.

But what's amazing about these images, warts and all, is how difficult it would have been to get these photos with a dSLR. The rangefinder is tiny and discreet, and I was able to carry a CV 15, 21, 28 and Leica 35, 50 and 75 lenses and *still* just look like a tourist.

And that's important at Fremont and the Vegas Strip at around 3 AM, as I found out. My other photographer friends were nearly, um, relieved of their Nikon gear, since it looked so expensive.

Aside from all that, these are mostly "hip shot"--even with the longer 75 (older) Lux. I find it so easy to shoot without being noticed it's quite amazing.

So bear in mind these are all proof quality--they're actually the JPEGs out of the camera and resized, except for the opening shot, which was colour corrected from a JPEG shot (nothing fancy though).

On a technical note, all of these were shot without any filter whatsoever.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
My Favorites of Your Hip Shots!

Thanks James for sharing your work.

I like thesec since they show the transparency of the images. Something that goes with the style of shooting forced on one by the simplicity of the camera.

I like the iamges as they are but of course, each one has many potential derivations not the least in B&W which I'd love to see.

Anyway, here are the 4 that caught my attention the most.


©2007 James Roberts


©2007 James Roberts


©2007 James Roberts


©2007 James Roberts

So pleased to get these images. The more the merrier. Now who would know that a filter was needed? Not me if I didn't already know!

You have transmitted a cross section of Vegas life!


James Roberts

New member
...well, and Elvis was just there...


Thanks for the kind comments! When I get time, I'll work a few more of them into something, well, not so proof-like.

And the de riguer (for me, anyway) shot of Elvis was, of course, taken in broad daylight the next morning; the others were, well, taken mostly in the dark, which you can't really tell except in some of the neon shots.

I find the M8 has more than enough stuff with the recent firmware at ISO 1250 for my use, given the lower shutter speeds you can get away with on the rangefinder.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Thanks for the kind comments! When I get time, I'll work a few more of them into something, well, not so proof-like.

And the de riguer (for me, anyway) shot of Elvis was, of course, taken in broad daylight the next morning; the others were, well, taken mostly in the dark, which you can't really tell except in some of the neon shots.

I find the M8 has more than enough stuff with the recent firmware at ISO 1250 for my use, given the lower shutter speeds you can get away with on the rangefinder.

The 5D with a 50 1.2 is also very special but not intimate like the M8, not transparent to doing street photography. People hardly think you are taking anything but snapshots. Except every so often one person comes along and is an rapture about the camera and then pulls out an older Lecia film camera or says hold on , let me run to my car and bring you this xyx Summicron to shoot with!

The Leica M8 should be held and loaned by everyone exploring ways to express themselves in photography.

These are very striking images, even presented over the web, and the initial one indicated by Asher also stood out for me. While this thread and the one started by Ken Tanaka certainly speak strongly for the M8 through the images adduced and the associated commentary, they also serve as a sobering reminder of the importance of the craft and art of the person using the camera, much as the temptation is strong to forget these unforgiving elements of reality (at least thinking wishfully for me).

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Each picture taken with the M8 here provides these dividends:

  • Spreads the word on the value of rangefinder 35mm cameras for intimacy and fluidity
  • Helps expand the Leica M8 ownership base and therefore in a small way promotes the strength of the M8 line.
  • Provides some of the best photographs for us to enjoy.
So if you are using a rangefinder especially an RD-1 or an M8, share as many images here as you can.

If you have film images, scan them and let's see them too.

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Dave Butcher

New member
I have to agree with Asher I like them. I live in Vegas and I do most of my shooting during the day since I have to work early in the morning.