My first instinct was not to put up this photograph, partly for the reason you have stated - sunsets have become cliched.
But there were, to me, a couple of compelling reasons to compose this scene and press the shutter, and neither, alas, can be directly transmitted to the viewer. One was the fact that it was the midnight sun (nothing in the image suggests that) and the good fortune to enjoy a clear enough night to be able to see & photograph it. This is Iceland, where weather patterns change by the minute. For another night such as this one at this location, you may have to wait a week, a month, or even until the next year, and even then it is likely to have a different character. The second reason was the sheer surreality of it. You are in the middle of nowhere, there are these hues on the sand and water ahead of you, and the only sound is that of the waves lapping. This is the earth's edge!
I would have liked to be able to say that this photograph conveys a sense of the feeling I experienced when I made it, but I can't.