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My first Golden Eagle

Jim Olson

Well-known member
My wife and I were down on our POA beach and I looked up and only had time to take 3 images. This was the closest one to me (100-400mm lens with 1.4 times ext so 560mm)
664A5005 dpp4-SharpAI-Mo.JPG

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
My wife and I were down on our POA beach and I looked up and only had time to take 3 images. This was the closest one to me (100-400mm lens with 1.4 times ext so 560mm)
View attachment 11869
A superb bird. Do you even own a Better Beamer?

It funnels and projects flash to light up that underside of such a dark bird.

Nevertheless, your eagle’s feathers a beautifully detailed!

I’d be very proud of that.

I hope you have more!

Was this also from the boat or an older shot from back home?
