• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

sequim wa

  1. Jim Olson

    My first Golden Eagle

    My wife and I were down on our POA beach and I looked up and only had time to take 3 images. This was the closest one to me (100-400mm lens with 1.4 times ext so 560mm)
  2. Jim Olson

    Here's a Barred owl

    I took this image just a few minutes before we got the image of the eagle while out for a drive
  3. Jim Olson

    Out for a drive today and got this eagle

  4. Jim Olson

    Aroura images from Monday Sept 18th

    Out on our beach shooting the Aurora and all of a sudden I got pillars...
  5. Jim Olson

    A juvenile eagle

  6. Jim Olson

    A juvenile eagle

  7. Jim Olson

    A juvenile eagle

  8. Jim Olson

    A juvenile eagle

  9. Jim Olson

    A juvenile eagle

  10. Jim Olson

    What a great day...!!! I stopped on the street above Dungeness Landing and grabbed a few images of this eagle...

    The look it gave me was so cool... Like it was saying "What are you looking at"
  11. Jim Olson

    I heard a couple of eagles from my yard

    This shot was taken of the two eagles as I leaned on the trunk of my car One eagle flew away and I'm still shooting from my driveway leaning on my car This one I walked across the street
  12. Jim Olson

    Another great day out with my wife.

    Unfortunately, the eagle was up in a tree that was on a cliff above us.
  13. Jim Olson

    The deer in the in-law's front yard

  14. Jim Olson

    I have been taking a lot of pictures with my new Canon R7 mirrorless

    I caught this little one get a bite to eat.
  15. Jim Olson

    Sitting around the fire pit wishing everyone happy Thanksgiving

  16. Jim Olson

    Right place, right time

    I was out shooting some pictures & thought I should go home & make breakfast when I turn in to my neighborhood & this owl flew across the street in front of my car.
  17. Jim Olson

    A few more images from this morning
