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A Portfolio Series for Your Consideration: An invited Series My Overlays and book covers from various photographs

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
Thank you so much! Wished I would have found this one for the exhibition. I just have so many files of work it makes me dizzy! Thanks so much.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Charlotte Thompson: "My Beautiful"

This is immediately captivating. but why? Is it that the head seems large compared to the body as in Loretta Lux.


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
Yes it does have some resemblance to Lux art. I think I may have seen some of her work many years ago. She's good with transference digitally . Thank you.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Yes it does have some resemblance to Lux art. I think I may have seen some of her work many years ago. She's good with transference digitally . Thank you.

So, Charlotte,

Can you explain the seemingly "larger than life" head. Is this from several pictures, or the original was that way?


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
The original vintage was that way- For me seems to be in the lighting or else so faded it became looking larger. Either way I loved the look.

Antonio Correia

Well-known member

I do like most of your work - as I have stated in some occasions - but this one doesn't attract me.

The black area - apparently unbalanced - is too strong and the main tone of the images on it contributes to the sadness of the hole. Perhaps it is intentional... after all anges, death, (and so on) looks to be the trend/theme.

The hole image is "heavy". Can I say depressing or the word is too strong ?

The idea of the "hand-done" line crossing the images is something that connects them. This connection was already visually perceived by the content of the images themselves and the line reinforces it.

What an English ! LOL A small disaster ! Anyway, did I make myself understand ? Just a bit, at least ?

Are you mad at me now ? No, you are not... :)

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
Thanks for your honest comment! The art was made intentionally just so you have seen it. It is definitely conceptual impressions. A look into my Catholic School education which apparently stays with me still to this day. You see then as a child I was a bit of a rebel for Priest and Nuns… This is an outcome I think of that. I love the idea of angels and the struggle from dark to light and yes it is heavy, weighted most intentional on my part. You have good insight!
