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New Gaoersi 6x17 Camera

Actually there are two. One is an upgrade to the previous model with larger image sizes on film.

The more interesting one has both Shift and a detachable film back. The ground glass also attaches magnetically so this will allow composing on the ground glass at any point through the roll. Currently on EBay for an opening bid of $US1,290 - much less than a Horseman for example.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

This camera seems to have advantages over the Fototman™ as it has a removable film holder, unlike the Fotoman, which has a swing back to about 90 degrees, which can restrict access and be clumsy under a dark cloth.

Are you able to say anything about the seller? Is this a good price and is that a complete camera. Do you happen to know if this guy sells new cameras?

I have written to him. I like the idea of the shift. That is always something good to have to be able to get sky or to remove something you don't like in the foreground or "vica vace".

This seems like an interesting package. The only improvement I can see is to use say a Walker 5x7 camera with the electrically driven 6x17 film holder by Canham, which would give swing and tilts too! However, that's more money!

How long have you had your Gaorsi?

It's realy wonderful to have someone here who knows about these beauties!

When Fuji stopped making these cameras, I thought Linhoff would be the only choice left. Now we have an increasing number of options. Interesting turn of events in the dawn of digital!


marc wilson

pro member
I did use one of the older gaoersi 612 cameras for a very short while and whilst a bit unfinished in places it worked exactly as it should..and at its very good price.
Also I did buy mine from oneworld seller..I assume the same as this one..and he was good to do business with.

I won the first auction for a Gaoersi 6x17 on EBay and I've had mine nearly two years. Soon after that time I wrote the review on Photo-i. The standard Gaoersi camera has a detachable back plate which is less of a problem for access than the Fotoman swing one.

I got mine from a different vendor (from China) but OneWorld (in Hong Kong) has been around for almost as long. I'd expect them to be completely reliable and they may communicate in English a little better than the people in China. This is a new camera, of course, and represents the amalgamation of Da Yi (detachable back) with Gaoersi (the camera).

If you really want swings and tilts you don't need to go 5x7. You can fit a Da Yi or Shen Hao back on a 5x4 (it extends out the back).


Klaus Esser

pro member

I won the first auction for a Gaoersi 6x17 on EBay and I've had mine nearly two years. Soon after that time I wrote the review on Photo-i. The standard Gaoersi camera has a detachable back plate which is less of a problem for access than the Fotoman swing one.

I got mine from a different vendor (from China) but OneWorld (in Hong Kong) has been around for almost as long. I'd expect them to be completely reliable and they may communicate in English a little better than the people in China. This is a new camera, of course, and represents the amalgamation of Da Yi (detachable back) with Gaoersi (the camera).

If you really want swings and tilts you don't need to go 5x7. You can fit a Da Yi or Shen Hao back on a 5x4 (it extends out the back).


Hello Murray!

I bought a 6x17 DaYi two years ago after having bought the 6x17 back and a 6x12 back both for my Wista and Technika 4x5" before.
The camera is not as elegant as a Linhof - of course - but it works very well and is built like a tank . .
i guess, it´s bullet-proof . . (didn´t give it a try yet :) ).

What ii miss is that wooden handle with a release-holder and a lens-adapter for a 75mm SuperAngulon. I have one for a 90mm SA.

I´ll take a measure from the distance of the screw-holes and would like to ask you for comparing it with yours, ok?

That´s because i got no reply when asking for extra lensholders for the 75mm from DaYi, but from Gaoersi. Do you know tehy´re the same measures?

best, Klaus

Klaus Esser

pro member
6x17 Sample photos please.


Hey Will!

here are three shots - handheld, DaYi 6x17 w. 90mm SuperAngulon@f:11, Kodak EPP pushed +1
scanned on Howtek drumscanner @2000dpi


Gruß, Klaus

Klaus Esser

pro member
What's that horizontal lower edge in the clouds? Was that the botton of a massive cloud. That seems like an issue or not?

It looks like perhaps a scannng issue?


Hi Asher!

That really was the bottom of a cloud - with the sun behind. VERY strange light that day! The almost horizontal bottom of the cloud down of the sunglow shows a similar structure

best, Klaus
What I miss is that wooden handle with a release-holder and a lens-adapter for a 75mm SuperAngulon. I have one for a 90mm SA.

I´ll take a measure from the distance of the screw-holes and would like to ask you for comparing it with yours, ok?

That´s because I got no reply when asking for extra lensholders for the 75mm from DaYi, but from Gaoersi. Do you know they´re the same measures?

Hello Klaus!

I take it you are asking if the adaptors for a Da Yi camera are the same size as the Gaoersi ones and it sounds as if your adaptor screws directly into the camera. The Gaoersi does not work that way. The adaptor has external measurements of 150 x 95mm and fits under a small plate at each end that in turn screws in. Is that what you were asking? My guess would be that the Da Yi would be larger because the 5x4 backs had a larger image size.

i guess, it´s bullet-proof . . (didn´t give it a try yet :) ).

Actually I also have a 1937 Rollieflex TLR together with a metal waterproof case that it fits inside. The case might be of wartime vintage and could well be bulletproof. Very sharp lense, too.


Klaus Esser

pro member
Hello Klaus!

I take it you are asking if the adaptors for a Da Yi camera are the same size as the Gaoersi ones and it sounds as if your adaptor screws directly into the camera. The Gaoersi does not work that way. The adaptor has external measurements of 150 x 95mm and fits under a small plate at each end that in turn screws in. Is that what you were asking? My guess would be that the Da Yi would be larger because the 5x4 backs had a larger image size.

Actually I also have a 1937 Rollieflex TLR together with a metal waterproof case that it fits inside. The case might be of wartime vintage and could well be bulletproof. Very sharp lense, too.


Hi Murray!

here some shots of my DAYi:




I´ll take the measures from the screwhole´s distance.

btw.: the two smaller knobs are for switching to 6x12/14/17cm even while shooting. No need to end the roll first.

best, Klaus

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Klaus and Murray,

Which camera would you buy right now? The ability to change from 6x12/14/17 seems very useful, although woould strain my brain to know what film I had left. How does one know how to advance the film?


Klaus Esser

pro member
Klaus and Murray,

Which camera would you buy right now? The ability to change from 6x12/14/17 seems very useful, although woould strain my brain to know what film I had left. How does one know how to advance the film?


Hi Asher!

Don´t worry ;-) - there´s a little red window in the back where you can see the numbers moving along while you wind the knob . . :)
for 6x17 it´s 2-5-8-11, 6x14 is 3-6-9-12--15 and for 6x12 it´s 1-3-5-7-9-11 . . . that´s back to the roots . . . :).
So changing size in the middle of the roll might cause a loss of one frame or two.

best, Klaus

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Klaus, for 6x6 or 6x9 the window is in a different position. So I wondsered how you keep track for winding when you go from 6x12 to 6x17 to 6x12 and so forth!

I guess for 6x12 one goes 2 6x6 frames 6x17 3x6x6 frames.

Now would you buy this Dayi camera again v. the new Gaorsi II with the shift?


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
for 6x6 or 6x9 from 6x12 to 6x17 to 6x12 and so forth! for 6x12 one goes 2 6x6 frames 6x17 3x6x6 frames. with the shift?

Do you have a translation in Japanese or Russian, even in any other secret language? LOL again! Nicolas

This is a secret code meant to prevent the French from leading the world in variable-width photography, which everyone knows will define 21st Century.

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Klaus Esser

pro member
Do you have a translation in Japanese or Russian, even in any other secret language? LOL again! Nicolas

This is a secret code meant to prevent the French from leading the world in variable-width photography, which everyone knows will define 21st Century.


I´ll try:


compris, frenchman? :) :) he, he, he.

best, Klaus (**** - the server doesn´t show my carefully selected japanese typo . . . . - now the joke is gone . . arrgh!!)

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
You mean
?????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????
??????????????????????? (Kartoffel-eaters with beautifull cameras) ???????

he, he, he :•)

*****same here! aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh!!!
Vegagerðin ábyrgist ekki að þau gögn, sem hér má finna, séu ætíð aðgengileg og uppfærð. Pesä oli viime vuonna asuttu ja emolinnut saivat lentoon kaksi poikasta (kyseessä ei ole Ainon ja Väinön pesä). 6x17 поставляється в двох версіях. За студійну версію доведеться викласти майже 27000 євро, за мобільну – 29000. Có thể chụp 2 bức với độ sáng tôi khác nhau để ghép lại trước khi xử lý panorama.

مارک مورد نظرخود را انتخاب و یا از سیستم جستجو برای پیدا کردن کالای مورد نظر استفاده نمایید.​

Klaus Esser

pro member
Vegagerðin ábyrgist ekki að þau gögn, sem hér má finna, séu ætíð aðgengileg og uppfærð. Pesä oli viime vuonna asuttu ja emolinnut saivat lentoon kaksi poikasta (kyseessä ei ole Ainon ja Väinön pesä). 6x17 ????????????? ? ???? ???????. ?? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ????? 27000 ????, ?? ???????? – 29000. Có th? ch?p 2 b?c v?i ?? sáng tôi khác nhau ?? ghép l?i tr??c khi x? lý panorama.

???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ??????.​

Wow!! How did you mage that one, Towaritsch, Efendi, äh. . . ? :)

best, Klaus

Funny: Russian was visible a moment ago! . . . is that your homeland-security (what ever that would mean . . . ) now? ;-)
Excuse me for breaking into an obscure code that is really a random amalgamation of Briton, Roman, Saxon, Norman and sundry other infuences and may be quite incomprehensible to some who suddenly saw a flash of inspiration in the previous post...


The Da Yi really is quite different from my Gaoersi. I can see some traces of its influence in the new Gaoersi G2 shift, though.


The Gaoersi cameras also have the three formats that you can change from shot to shot. It's probably easier to change format with my model because it has a wide window at the back for more flexible adjustments. I explain in detail in the review how to change formats in mid-roll. Undoubtedly though it's easier to remember what you're doing if you stick to the same format for a roll.

I'd go for the new G3 shift. I'm almost tepted to try to sell my body to try to upgrade. The key feature to me is the detachable back. Admittedly I got a ground glass for mine (though the early model camera is not magnetised so it doesn't stick) but I find I prefer to use the viewfinder. It may be less accurate but it's much quicker.

I have 75mm and 150mm lenses and adaptors. If I were to put the 75mm lense on the 150mm adaptor it would give me 1:1 macro available on any frame with focusing and composition through the ground glass. Admittedly the newer standard model Gaoersi does this too, though much less elegantly. It allows you to wind the film back and then open the back to use the ground glass.


I suppose it might be possible if you were sufficiently dedicated or know a good machinist to have a plate 95x198 with an appropriate sized hole, clamp it to a Goersi adaptor and screw it onto your DaYi.


Klaus Esser

pro member

I suppose it might be possible if you were sufficiently dedicated or know a good machinist to have a plate 95x198 with an appropriate sized hole, clamp it to a Goersi adaptor and screw it onto your DaYi.


Hey Murray!

I find the construction of your Gaoersi superb! Much better basic-design with one basic frame and changable back and lensboard.
I bought this DaYi because the Gaoersi somehow wasn´t available at this time.
There was a shiftable version too, but because i have a 6x17 back already and use it on my Wista and Linhof there was no need to shift and i preferred the handheld-design. Handheld with shifting is quite a thing . . :)
So i never use a groundglass on the DaYi - though i have one. When i need shift/tilt, i put the 6x17 back on my Wista. Here i can use a 75mmSA - it´s horizontal very extreme . . but it works even just without a centerfilter. Vignetting i compensate in Photoshop.

I always wished to have the Gaoersi but - as i said - they were not to find at the time. They´re somewhat more elegant as the DaYi i think.

best, Klaus
Wow!! How did you mage that one, Towaritsch, Efendi, äh. . . ? :)

I searched for camera, 6x17 and panorama in Icelandic, Finnish, Ukranian, Vietnamese and Persian, grabbing aphrase from each.

Approximate non-traslation:

Vegagerðin guarantee not snuggle up to they source material , whom here analogous find séu evermore user-friendly and upgrade. Burrow oli past lamb inhabited and emolinnut saivat flight twain you kyseessä no ole Only and Väinön burrow ). 6x17 is supplied in two versions. As per studiinu version is proved to set down next-door to 27000 evro, as per mobile – 29000. Stating the aspect to photograph 2 a photograph with some brightness to die another together placing to join and begin again before judging a tiny bit panorama. (maark) case (ndrkhvd) choice and either than (systm) search for obvious (rdn) stuffings case look usage show​

Klaus Esser

pro member
I searched for camera, 6x17 and panorama in Icelandic, Finnish, Ukranian, Vietnamese and Persian, grabbing aphrase from each.

Approximate non-traslation:

Vegagerðin guarantee not snuggle up to they source material , whom here analogous find séu evermore user-friendly and upgrade. Burrow oli past lamb inhabited and emolinnut saivat flight twain you kyseessä no ole Only and Väinön burrow ). 6x17 is supplied in two versions. As per studiinu version is proved to set down next-door to 27000 evro, as per mobile – 29000. Stating the aspect to photograph 2 a photograph with some brightness to die another together placing to join and begin again before judging a tiny bit panorama. (maark) case (ndrkhvd) choice and either than (systm) search for obvious (rdn) stuffings case look usage show​

Hah! :) i understand completely . . . . :) :) - it´s very poetic (is that the word?) . . i´m sure i could be sung in a chinese opera . . :)

best, Klaus

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

The Gaoersi cameras also have the three formats that you can change from shot to shot. It's probably easier to change format with my model because it has a wide window at the back for more flexible adjustments. I explain in detail in the review how to change formats in mid-roll. Undoubtedly though it's easier to remember what you're doing if you stick to the same format for a roll.

I'd go for the new G3 shift. I'm almost tepted to try to sell my body to try to upgrade. The key feature to me is the detachable back. Admittedly I got a ground glass for mine (though the early model camera is not magnetised so it doesn't stick) but I find I prefer to use the viewfinder. It may be less accurate but it's much quicker.
Hi Murray,

I couldn't find reference to the Gaorsi II and had never heard of the Gaorsi III. The Garosi site doesn't appear to have them! I'd really like to know if it doesn't bother the Babel of linguistics! There's one for sale. I asked about serivice. They said France and Hong Kong only for that seller! Ugh!!! Any USA dealers/service?

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Vegagerðin ábyrgist ekki að þau gögn, sem hér má finna, séu ætíð aðgengileg og uppfærð. Pesä oli viime vuonna asuttu ja emolinnut saivat lentoon kaksi poikasta (kyseessä ei ole Ainon ja Väinön pesä). 6x17 поставляється в двох версіях. За студійну версію доведеться викласти майже 27000 євро, за мобільну – 29000. Có thể chụp 2 bức với độ sáng tôi khác nhau để ghép lại trước khi xử lý panorama.

مارک مورد نظرخود را انتخاب و یا از سیستم جستجو برای پیدا کردن کالای مورد نظر استفاده نمایید.​

27.000 Euro? No way! <grins>