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Nicolas Claris - Monday night series

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

And if the light became paint in spite of itself?
If the dark night became my palette and if my camera were a brush, a knife or even a roll. If in the dark of the night everything became really unreal?
If truth had - temporarily! - less sense? Less meanings that my own feelings built of voluntary movements given to my new toy.
With so many surprises at the end ...
Madam night, I wish you a very good light…

Spain & Bordeaux
Nicolas Claris August-September 2014

The creation of these images was made thanks to the support of Pentax Ricoh.
These photographs were performed with a Pentax GR camera.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator





17.3’’ x 24’’ - 44 x 66 cm -25 orignal prints
All Giclée on Hanhnemühle ultra smooth bright 305g. 100% cotton self-adhesive on Dibond & mat neutral pH protection varnish (Epson Digigraphie)
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