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In Perspective, Fun: Nuts!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Exactly Jérôme!

Your reference has a perfect illustration and it’s in the Wiki commons so we can show it freely!


This is the “horse chestnut” or conker tree. We would drill a hole through the brown shiny nut and boys would whack each other’s conker’s and see if one could smash the other chap’s conker to smitherines!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
So here is a set up for the warring “conkers” on strings!


Now this sport means they all school boys and many girls know about how to pick a winning conker and learn tricks like soaking it in vinegar to hopefully harden it!

I am not sure how legal that is in a championship!

Anyway, it’s no wonder that horse chestnuts are a beloved species in so many woodlands and village greens in the U.K.

But now why would I mention this?

Actually, these are horse chestnuts. I didn't google this but I have seen them often in Sweden as part of outdoor decorations. Oh, and I just re-scrolled and saw that the answer already had been found.
Oh, well, no biggie. Glad! :) Maggie

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Actually, these are horse chestnuts. I didn't google this but I have seen them often in Sweden as part of outdoor decorations. Oh, and I just re-scrolled and saw that the answer already had been found.
Oh, well, no biggie. Glad! :) Maggie
Happy for your comment.

Now why would I suddenly re-interest is all in this horse chestnut?

How about a


in a



Jerome Marot

Well-known member
I did not know about the game, I have never seen it played in France. Does you question mean you play the game yourself?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

You can click through on the question marks after the “Leaf” + “Miner” icons to get detailed information on the problem!

I used to play the game every day in the autumn and the winter, (from age 11 to 14), until the conkers were all smashed!

Sometimes we had super champion resilient conquers that lasted through April

I was reminded of the favorite game as I had read about the current disaster threatening more than half of Europe’s trees due to pest, destruction and weather.

The leaf borer moth, another noxious export from Russia besides election meddling, is spreading across all of continental Europe. There is a real chance of this tree and other favorites of the woodlands becoming extinct!

I just thought starting with the beautiful horse chestnuts it was a more interesting introduction to this imminent threat than merely shouting out the imminence of another disaster!

It should be that programs like the attacks on mosquitoes or synthesizing the moth juvenile hormone to stop its development might be needed as an urgent matter.

Such a damn nuisance that we have to prepare for wars instead of defending the planet!


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
Another article set to make us fear a catastrophe. Cameraria ohridella is indeed a pest but trees do not appear to die and trees with pink flowers are resistant.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Another article set to make us fear a catastrophe. Cameraria ohridella is indeed a pest but trees do not appear to die and trees with pink flowers are resistant.
Yes, all the alarms need follow-up clarifications! Still, it’s happening and it does threaten schoolboys fun!

In the UK, at that age, kids didn’t get into dating that much then, LOL!
