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Ok - now this is sick —- ON1 Photo Raw 2024.5

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Ok - now this is sick —- ON1 Photo Raw 2024.5

1 have been totally impressed with the upgrade that I made recently to the latest version of ON1 Photo Raw. The speed of showing thumbnails as well as going back and forth between the Browse and Edit windows (a major frustration to me with my 2023 version), is night and day. That alone made me fall back in love with this application for my Desktop Workflow.

I have always appreciated the Auto Selection tools for masking, but with the recent update to the newly improved Super Select AI in version 2024.5, have been so impressed with how this speeds up my masking that I make use of it on every image for adding Effects and Local Adjustments exactly where I need them…


I was recessing an image from Europe just now - went through all of my processes and tweaks applied to the complete image - and decided that I would apply a Tonal Enhancement Effect to just the boat going under the bridge. Simple. I added an effect and then with the mask tool I had the option of selecting “Transport”. It immediately created the mask so that I added the effect only there. Perfect.

So when I have that file completed and Exported, I find another pic taken along the same river a few minutes earlier. I have noticed an option in the Context Menu to Paste settings from the previous edit. I was curious and clicked. It worked great and now this pic was processed similarly to my bridge pic. I wondered though what was applied when it came to the masked Effect of the boat on the original. The boat in this pic was on the right side pf the frame. I opened the Tonal Enhancent Effect tab and viewed the mask ——- and lo and behold, the mask was redrawn and applied to the new “Transport”. I then followed up with a third photo with a different long boat on the water, pasting settings from previous edit, and again the mask had auto recognized this boat and applied the effect to that area. These abilities are getting astonishing!!!

Robert Watcher

Well-known member


Andrew Stannard

pro member
That's pretty cool use of AI to speed up editing! Capture one has something similar, but only for 'Background' and 'Subject'. It works really well for cutting and pasting between portraits and other photos with a fairly obvious subject, but can't currently select on the basis of subject type, such as 'Transport'. Perhaps a future version!

These types of tools are great for getting a consistent look between lots of images on a shoot.


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Will capture 1 rerecognize the selected object type on a Effects mask, when pasting all settings from a previous image - as this one did?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

This is a fabulous advance and so impressive for studio work as one could select a dancer in hundreds of pictures and add new backgrounds automatically!


Andrew Stannard

pro member
Will capture 1 rerecognize the selected object type on a Effects mask, when pasting all settings from a previous image - as this one did?
Yes, it will if you use the AI 'subject' or 'background' mask.

But other masks won't re-recognise the underlying object, and will simply paste across in the same position. So not yet as advanced.

It does also have an 'exposure matching' capability, that will match other images to the exposure of your selected image - not just pasting across the same slider values, but adjusting as needed. That can be pretty handy if you have been shooting in variable lighting.


P.S Lovely images by the way!

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
The speed increase of this 2024.5 version is so improved, that I am able to do the extensive organizing and editing of my image files, without frustration. It makes it so much easier to create my own Presets of looks that I like - in the same way that I have been doing in Snapseed on my mobile devices. But adjusting these Presets is much more effortless and effective.

I processed this first image to upload to my Social Media - using the Tone & Color sliders, on1 built in NoNoise AI, as well as applying several Effects to taste. These two pics were taken with my iPhone SE2020


Even though there are many included Presets, I know this processing is to my taste and so I decided to Save the settings as a preset. I created a Folder for easy access in the future.

There was a similar photo I had taken from a different angle and wondering how the New preset would work with it. Exactly what I wanted.

robwatcher.com_IMG_2923 1.jpeg

A nice feature when applying a Preset is being able dial in the amount of effects that are being applied - without going to the Edit panel. Just hover over the preview and move the slide from side to side. I kind of like the control of bring back a little bit of the colour in the black and white conversion.



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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
That slider for proportion of effect to be applied is a killer feature!

Very much like layers in Photoshop!

If both On1 and PS were free and you didn’t need a catalog system, which would you choose if you hadn’t already made those ON1 presets?


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
That slider for proportion of effect to be applied is a killer feature!

Very much like layers in Photoshop!

If both On1 and PS were free and you didn’t need a catalog system, which would you choose if you hadn’t already made those ON1 presets?


They are two different applications. Affinity Photo is the PS option. If both were free, I would still be using PS. Although I haven’t tried PS on my iPad to know how well it works there - I use Affinity Photo on both my desktop workstation and my iPad if needed. I’ve been using Photomator on my iPad for similar functionality to LR and ON1

I got ON1 as a replacement for Lightroom. I had been using LR for organizing and processing my images since the first version came out in 2008 up until a bit over 3 years ago. I had made presets for Lightroom for my Central America photos, to make processing speedy.

I haven’t used LR ( or PS for that matter) in a long time, so don’t know what functionality has been added. I think all the software is doing the same type of thing. I do know that I can do far more PS type tasks in ON1 than I was able to do in LR.

Because of the newer improved features, I really don’t have to go outside ON1 for anything more than the most extreme cases where a full blown image editor with layers might be needed. I don’t even need to go out to Topaz Sharpen or Noise Reduction any longer - and so haven’t paid for those upgrades.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Very much like layers in Photoshop!


I don’t really view it as being like layers in PS. I suppose if the time was taken to make a whole bunch of Smart Layer Adjustments and Effects that were all Grouped together so the Opacity on the Group could be changed. I don’t really know what can be done with PS though, so I could be wrong. And from what I have read, Lightroom still does not support Layers.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I don’t really view it as being like layers in PS. I suppose if the time was taken to make a whole bunch of Smart Layer Adjustments and Effects that were all Grouped together so the Opacity on the Group could be changed. I don’t really know what can be done with PS though, so I could be wrong. And from what I have read, Lightroom still does not support Layers.
I use layers a lot in PS. One can adjust the percent of any effect. So it seems identical to On1.

But with PS one can have unlimited layers!

One can apply an action consisting of unlimited steps by then fade the extent of its application!

I will have to try On1


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I am fascinated about the possible future continuation of Topaz as it’s so very expensive and yet On1 can replace such a lot of its function.


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I’m sure that I could accomplish all of these edits in Lightroom - or any of the other popular editing applications out there. I’m just happy that I can do everything that I want in ON1, to get to a look that I like.

I am still not completely satisfied that the ON1 healing brush is a replacement for PS style cloning and content aware replacement of blank areas in the frame. That is the main purpose for my needing Affinity Photo to Export out of ON1 as a TIFF file to use those tools and then have the final result saved back in as a copy in the original folder,to continue my processing in ON1.

With this image that I snapped freehand without concern for being level, I didn’t want to crop out the ceiling light, clock or the bottom of the frame, to straighten the image. Being there was a bit of vertical convergence to correct, that meant losing those things with a normal crop.

robwatcher.com_0001 1.jpeg

So my first steps were using the ON1 Transform Tool to make Vertical and Rotation correction, leaving blank white edges so that I lost no content. Then I used my custom Export Setting to send this file to Affinity Photo.


After using Inpainting and Clone tools in Photo, I clicked Save. The changes showed up in the generated TIFF copy in ON1. From there I processed starting with Brilliance AI, making tonal adjustments based on that. Next was using Super Select AI to target the clock face, Tiffany light as well as the elephant above the closet - using Tone Enhancer Effects to make them stand out. Four Effects (Sunshine, Dynamic Contrast, Glow and Borders) were then applied to the whole image before using my Social Media Export setting to save to hard drive.

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Brillian crafy with your workflow, Robert. But you have decades of PS background as your starting matrix.

A question:

“After using Inpainting and Clone tools in Photo”

Why not do they in Affinity Photo?


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Brillian crafy with your workflow, Robert. But you have decades of PS background as your starting matrix.

A question:

“After using Inpainting and Clone tools in Photo”

Why not do they in Affinity Photo?


I am using Affinity Photo for my Inpainting and Cloning. I just don’t start there. When opening the file in Affinity Photo from ON1, clicking Save when the work is done in Affinity, sends the image right back to where I am working on it in ON1. I used to do the same with Lightroom - where I would send the file to PS from within LR, and it would be returned to LR after clicking Save. Photoshop or Affinity Photo have never been my primary workspaces. In fact I could do without either.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
With the huge speed improvements in version 2024.5, I now can spend the time realizing the full potential of softwares organizational abilities. All of my years in Central America were well catalogued using Lightroom. But since coming back to Canada in 2020 because of the pandemic - and as a result not photographing on the scale that I was down south —— I have not kept up with file organization the way I would like.

However with our extensive European trip through the month of April this year, I have a large number of files from 2 phones and 2 cameras that I now need to organize in a better way. ON1 helps a lot. I have not really made use of ON1 Catalogues and Albums because of them bogging down my computer in the previous version. So I had a small learning curve yesterday figuring out how I want to go about doing something similar to my Central America setup.

To start with instead of finding my files in the Browse window (which works very well, like the Mac file finder), I created a Catalogue of all files related to the Europe trip. It turns out that besides the catalogue generating cached thumbnails to speed up viewing and editing, it also allows for the creation of Keywords that can benefit with the Advanced Search abilities. All files had a Basic set of AI generated keywords, that can be added to manually. Those can been seen in the screenshots below.

Next I created a deep Album structure to organize any files for easy access. This is superior to my old manual method of creating category named folders on my hard drive and dragging or copying files to them. With the albums, one image can be referenced on more than one album, eliminating duplicate files and confusion of which category to place the file into on my hard drive. As can be seen with the Albums I have added, Sub Albums can be added to keep the main structure from having too many albums to handle easily. A big ability as well, is that files from any hard drive connected to my computer, can be added to an Album.



Something that I have never really experimented with before is the Maps view. Lightroom had such a feature as well, but it didn’t make any sense for my cameras which have no way of recording GPS locations for geotagging. I know that in the past there were expensive gps units that could be added to some cameras. I do love that all pictures taken with my iPhone have that ability.

I actually found it quite easy to find locations with a search in the Map browser and simply click on the spot on the map to add geolocation coordinates to the exif of a file/files. The drawback is that it is a manual process and does not fill in the name of the town or city or other details. However it has intrigued me enough to make use of an APP that ingenuously made geotagging from any camera possible with software such as ON1 or Lightroom, that allow the generated LOG files that the phone records on my trips, to sync location to camera file exif data based on the time stamp, once I get back to my workstation. I have the Geotag Photos Pro 2 app downloaded on my phone and am going see how practical it is on my next photo trip. It comes with 3 trips free and then requires a small one time purchase.

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