It's not really a sort, is it? More of a pastime, or a waste of time. It's a bit ritualized as well. Laying out of the tackle, blessing of the bait, standing on the pulpit and facing towards Mecca (the fisherman a version), casting into the waters and the gathering of the food. Isn't it cheaper and faster to get it at the local fish'n'chippy wrapped in yesterday's news and ready to eat?
This is a quiet spot and I think that's the whole idea of fishing like this. I think you meant "it's not really a s[p]ort, is it?" Actually it's very much a sport for fly fisherman. This fella is good, he's outwitted 6 fish by my count. It's not just a matter of dropping a lure into the water. It's the choice of the lure, where it's cast and how it moves, or not in the water, in an attempt to seduce and screw up some hungry fishes life! but you're right about the ritual. Each fellow has his own favorite poles, lures and jacket. I have no patience for this type of fishing. For me it's either alaska and snatching a salmon from the paws of a bear or else trawling in the Guf of Mexico with Chum or a pound or two of fresh shrimp and a half dozen hooks. This is fun fishing and apart from the accidental landing of the occasional shark, pretty safe. Just need a good radio to call the Tampa Marine operator and a club to whack accidental guest sharks that we didin't get to cut free.
I really think the main value of the obsessional sport of stationary fishing is the tranquility and ability to remove oneself from the rush of everyday life. I've done sports fishing for marlin but never enjoyed that. Neither of these are for my temperament.
Having a fast boat with 2 engines and a toilet is a must! It's efficient. One can have fun, pick up friends, drop in at a restaurant or take a nap down below. The great fun of trawling with bait is that one can sip chilled beer while the fish chase us and then come ashore richly loaded with fresh food, giving the innards to the clouds of voracious gulls and pelicans that appear, and then great dining with friends and family.
Still, this kind of stationary fishing is fun with little kids unless they fall in the water or don't get a fish! Then everyone blames me!
BTW, I'm a little wary fishing, (or swimming, for that matter), near effluent discharge pipes. If it's just hillside drainage from excess rainwater, no problem, but who knows? Along Santa monica Beach folk seem to be oblivious to signs of high fecal bacteria counts from sewage overflow discharge into the water! UGGH! No wonder there's lots of planton and fish there! It's a zoo under the water!