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Portrait of an Erlenmeyer flask transformed into a salad dressing decanter

D800M = Monochrome Sensor Conversion

Nikon D800M,Carl Zeiss ZF2 / ZE / Zx Apo Sonnar T* f2 135mm
1/30s f/4.0 at 135.0mm iso100 - 10 Stack


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
D800M = Monochrome Sensor Conversion

Nikon D800M,Carl Zeiss ZF2 / ZE / Zx Apo Sonnar T* f2 135mm
1/30s f/4.0 at 135.0mm iso100 - 10 Stack


I like the flask and there glasswork. Very basic, bold and simple.

I wouldn't have thought of stacking 10 pictures. That's a lot of effort but it pays of in the world of perfect surfaces you have crafted.

How did you light it?

Interesting extra detail of a few scattered dust particles, so clearly defined and purposely kept. These help to define the curved surfaces and add harsh reality to something that otherwise might approach the over perfect rendering of a CAD-generated output of graphic design.Did that occur to you?

1) I wouldn't have thought of stacking 10 pictures. That's a lot of effort but it pays of in the world of perfect surfaces you have crafted.

2) How did you light it?

3) Interesting extra detail of a few scattered dust particles, so clearly defined and purposely kept. These help to define the curved surfaces and add harsh reality to something that otherwise might approach the over perfect rendering of a CAD-generated output of graphic design.Did that occur to you?

1) i was experimenting with some new LED circular dishes with diffusion cloth.

2) See 1

3) yes.. i purposely didn't wash the flask.