I bought a used Tachihara about 18 months ago, learnt than film was still being used, shot my first image, and my god!!! it worked... Unfortunately, the 2nd, 3rd, 4rd were all blacks or white (but not black and white), because, I forgot to close the shutter, remove the dark slide, etc. A true amateur!
I looooove fiiiiiiilm!
I did something similar on my first shoot with a used Horseman SW after years of using SLR cameras. Although there was no instruction manual, figuring out how to load 120 film, remove the dark slide, and focus inside a hyperfocal range were not too difficult. Then followed a happy half hour composing and taking pictures of a bay scene. With the roll finished, I took out the film, put the dark slide back in, but couldn't find the lens cap. My wife, now in gales of laughter, pointed to the lens from which I'd forgotten to remove it. A true amateur, too!
Digital may be the future of photography, but I suspect that film shooters have more fun.