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Rural Ontario Drive on a Beautiful Night

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
July is a beautiful month in our part of Ontario. The rolling fields are layered in gold and green. It was a perfect night for a slow drive down gravel roads, as the sun backlit and side lit the fields. All pics were taken while sitting in the drivers seat of my car and aiming out the window.

I resurrected my original Olympus E-M1 mkI by ordering in a couple of batteries and a quick charger from Amazon (all 4 original batteries were dead and wouldn’t charge), and attached the lowly but amazing 40-150mm (80-300mm equiv) kit lens that I got with my first micro four thirds E-PL1 purchase back in 2010. I seldom use it since getting the 70-300 shortly after. Processing was done in ON1 Photo Raw.

robwatcher.com_0005 5.jpeg

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robwatcher.com_0009 9.jpeg

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robwatcher.com_0010 10.jpeg
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Your work is uplifting. In America, they say “This is the best country in thr world “

But each beautiful valley where a city is built gets covered with shopping malls, mini malls, truck repair shops mini marts and more!


Your work attests to saving grace of agriculture, where food production still allows nature to be appreciated!

This is natural and abstract: great art!


Andrew Stannard

pro member
Beautiful images Robert, and work together nicely as a set. Love the one with the single taller strand standing proud above the crops, and the golden sky in the background.

Shooting from the car sounds like a nice relaxing way to shoot!
