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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!
It is almost exactly as it sounds. Paper, generally Arches Platine or Hahnemuhle Platinum Rag, is coated with a "salted water with a dash of citric acid," left to dry in a coolish dry area, no safelight required at this stage. When the paper is dried, a coating of 12% silver nitrate is applied - 40 drops per 8x10 - and again, left to dry in a dark box. I always do a test strip using my own homemade step wedge and expose accordingly, generally in the six minute range under a 50w LED UV light in my homemade UV box. Development is in plain water, toned with a noble metal (gold chloride, selenium or platinum) and fixed with Sodium Thiosulphate, washed and dried. Pretty simple and straight forward process.

Hailey (The negative needed some more work on the highlights - more of the learning curve.)
