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Serious fun with any smartphone! Post your favorites!

A few from my California trip.





Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I love this thread! The camera obeys the rule of the best camera: the one you actually bring with you. The form factor of the camera and the fact that it doesn't seem serious allows us more liberty in taking pictures without threatening paranoid guards and landowners.


Asher Kelman:Bank of America

iPhone 3G iphoto processing

I'd never have imagined one could snap a picture like this with an iPhone. Yes, it's overloaded the dynamic range of the sensor, but still, that's artistically allowable. That's the kind of fault that works with the picture.

These images demonstrate that the cell phone cameras are professional level tools if there's a trained brain behind it! I'm so impressed with this work: a very high standard and commendable!


Thanks! Just some snaps while walking around on break one day. Well I did put some thought into where I placed things in the frame as always but I do that in everyday snaps as well.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Jake Klein: Untitled


There are times when color really holds emotional keys to the mood of the photograph. I'd argue that this is one of those instances!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This is from a recent trip. I shot it just to remember where to find the car when I got home, but I like the forms.



So I'm not the only chap taking snaps so Ican find my way back!

Great use of a phone! It's also the start of further creative work if that moves you. I'd consider adding acrylic sketching to a print!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Nokia E7 again:



At first, looking at a tiny version on my iPhone, there's no sense of scale. At a glance this could pass for the top of a sundial! Then one catches the views all around of the landscape and we realize how massive this actually is! Only at larger size on a computer screen does the image really come to life and explodes into view. It's startling presence and an image that deserves printing and many return trips for more and more and more!

Richard Rives

New member
Love the photo of that chair. I bet it has a lot of stories to tell if it could talk. A lot of people that were sick probably sat there wondering their fate.

Richard Rives

New member
Great shot of the sunset with girl

Here is one that wasn't ran through instagram.


That's an awesome image for being from a cell phone. If anything you could probably print at least a 4x6 from it and it would look great. Well heck, I have a 24" monitor and the picture is at least a 5x7 and it's sharp. Good job!

Bob Rogers

New member
I'm really amazed with the quality from some of the new phones. My friend has some Samsung phone. He took a photo of a spider. He zoomed in to show me the hair on it's legs! It was a big spider, granted, but still.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I surprise myself when I connect my iphone to my laptop and then discover how many cell phone pictures I've accumulated.

Here I took 10 pictures freehand to build a wide angle view of the walking and jogging path that runs parallel to Santa Monica Boulevard in Beverly Hills, California.

Admission: A small triangle of the bottom foreground was filled in with the content aware tool as it did not add anything that wasn't in the actual scene, some grass and gravel.

Walk_Track_Santa _Monica_Blvd.jpg

Asher Kelman: Walking Path
Beverly Hills, 2014
23.5" x18"
iphone 5 stitched in Autopano giga

I do not recommend this way of making pictures, but when I have only an iphone, one can still be ambitious in getting coverage. It's not a good use of precious time resources! Still the results are always surprisingly competent. I do see a slight stitching error on the left edge of the tree, but will not fix it even if I make a print! This is to remind me to take with the right camera and ignore my family's pleas!

Last edited:

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Two additions.Bequemer Sattel

The more common one - Samsung Galaxy S3:

The less common one - Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 (a smartwatch):


A great pairing from all your tens of thousands of possible choices! It's no accident! These two juxtapositioned work well in drawing attention to common features of parallel lines, one real and the other a shadow.

In doing so, one picture a machine for freely moving in fairly even surfaces and the other for pausing one's traveling give the viewer starting point to imagine stories of what did or could happen. When this occurs, taking the given images as a staging area for the mind, you are for sure an artist as you stimulate us to muse and get move boundaries from what is to what might be.

...and BTW, only after enjoying the pictures so much and several visits, did I realize that the second was made with a watch phone! That's where we see how it's only the mind behind the camera that matters, not the camera, which can do very little without discrimination by you and how you value things. The camera can never know that, at least not yet!


Michael Nagel

Well-known member

Thanks. The smartwatch has very limited capabilities (2Mpix, fixed focal length, almost no manual controls), but as long as there is decent light, the pictures are not that bad, especially when you consider the size of the camera and the sensor.

It is always watching, sometimes seeing and occasionally taking pictures...

Best regards,

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Time to revive this thread.

Samsung Galaxy S5 - taken on Nebelhorn.

Samsung Gear II - high ISO, bad quality, but I like it.

LG G5 - testing in the U-Bahn.

Could make sense to rename the thread to a title that points to general smartphone photography.


It becomes embarrassing to show off one's new DSLR with a 28mm lens for landscapes. This shows that except for ginormous prints viewed close up, this is just right. I love the fluidity of being able to socialize and then take a snap which is this class!

Even the high ISO "effects" make no significant difference to a great composition.

Fabulous additions and your point is well taken that the phenomenon go phone pictures is the nature of the beast and not the brand.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I surprise myself when I connect my iphone to my laptop and then discover how many cell phone pictures I've accumulated.

Here I took 10 pictures freehand to build a wide angle view of the walking and jogging path that runs parallel to Santa Monica Boulevard in Beverly Hills, California.

Admission: A small triangle of the bottom foreground was filled in with the content aware tool as it did not add anything that wasn't in the actual scene, some grass and gravel.

Walk_Track_Santa _Monica_Blvd.jpg

Asher Kelman: Walking Path
Beverly Hills, 2014
23.5" x18"
iphone 5 stitched in Autopano giga

I do not recommend this way of making pictures, but when I have only an iphone, one can still be ambitious in getting coverage. It's not a good use of precious time resources! Still the results are always surprisingly competent. I do see a slight stitching error on the left edge of the tree, but will not fix it even if I make a print! This is to remind me to take with the right camera and ignore my family's pleas!


I did not recognize this was my picture! I also now disown my previous opinion that one should have the "right camera for the job" and ignore one's family in the process. I am reminded of the song, "If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with!"
