And on a slightly lighter note:
I hope you don't mind if I join in.........
It was originally intended to express my sadness that a school should feel the need to declare itself a 'weapons free zone', but perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised.The post isn't presented as a challenge....
I got 100m from home on my evening walk today and came across this sign.
I got 100m from home on my evening walk today and came across this sign.
Lost on me I'm afraid Asher. Probably safer that way.
Romney's visits to Europe were market by mis direction and retractions that embarrassed his hosts and how campaign staff. So the Irish signs of contrary direction fit well with his journey to the White house!Lost on me I'm afraid Asher. Probably safer that way.
Seen by the roadside a few years ago somewhere in East Anglia.
Goodness knows what abominable tribal rituals survive there, among the descendants of Queen Boudicca and her Iceni warriors.
Snapped in a hurry on a little Olympus 'point-and-shoot'.