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Some from my first wedding! (as Second Shooter)

Sydney Rester

New member
135L (is there another lens?)





Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
135L (is there another lens?)


I'm so proud of you for this work and the choice of this uniquely qualified 135mm lens, one of the most important optics Canon makes.

What other folks should learn from you here is that you first practiced on family and friends and then you wisely start shooting weddings as a second photographer. This latter decision so ethical and smart. Wedding pictures are much more than being capable, there's a host of pitfalls and responsibilities we've enumerated previously in OPF. Doing favors for friends can be a big mistake! Your path is exemplary.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

You caught the joy! That's the entire purpose of the wedding photographer, even if you have to use magic to bring it out and get it into the camera, LOL! This is what the brides's mother is waiting and praying for.


Sydney Rester: Wedding with a 135mm Canon L Lens: #2

You can't hope for anything more genuine like this. Watch the framing. Just a step back, but still it wonderful. The 70-200 has the advantage of allowing zoom to frame properly. Still, they'll have only an awesome response to this wonderful picture!


John Angulat

pro member
I, too am very proud of what you have accomplished!
As Asher has pointed out - you've captured joy!
The images are genuine and I hope you are as proud of them as we are.
Way to go!

Sydney Rester

New member
Thank you, John and Asher! I am very happy with how these turned out. I hope the B&G and their families love them. It was really hard work, a little scary (ok more than a little scary) but so worth it to see the emotion captured on film.

For anyone interested the rest of the pics are up on my website under Galleries (Wedding 1 and Wedding 2). I have to rework the B&Ws tonight because I got them too bright.

But I am pretty proud of most of them. And really excited to see what I was able to accomplish after 13 months of really hard work and study. These might be my favorite pictures to date ...

Deleted member 55

Hi Sydney, As your photos show as a second shooter you can upstage the main shooter when not stressed and confined to getting the "MUST GET SHOTS".

It sure helps to not be under all that pressure.

Angel Navarro

New member
Question about equipment...

Hi Sydney,

Really nice quality to your capture. What lens did you employ for these images. Do you find that the primes are just plain brighter lenses? I don't easily get this quality and tonal range from my 24-70L/2.8 There are times that my 70-200L delivers, depending on certain variables, this kind of tonal range but not readily.

So is the answer primes? I do weddings and portraiture with a 1D Mark III.

~ Angel

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Sydney, As your photos show as a second shooter you can upstage the main shooter when not stressed and confined to getting the "MUST GET SHOTS".

It sure helps to not be under all that pressure.


This is so true! The pressure is really on for the main photographer to get through a host of expected shots, all organized beforehand. During this time, the bridesmaids and the boy who carries the ring and the flower girls are themselves. The main photographer doesn't always have the luxury of time and patience to detect this undercurrent of exquisite life, unstaged and unplanned.


Don Ferguson Jr.

Well-known member
The 135L is a great lens but it ain't why your wedding photos are so special as it is the eye behind the camera ;)
Very nice job .

Brian Krause

New member
2nd is my fav! Someone said it was genuine which is the perfect description. The whole series is sharp and beautiful. Amazing work!