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Some Old Time Religion

Chris Calohan

Well-known member

In the Sweet By and By


Give Me Some of That Old Time Religion


I've Seen the Light


All Rows Lead to the Light​


New member
Beautiful house, not very old, but religion after 2,000 years can't be old. Look at this antique, it has survived to this day. Very impressive, although this church is about 100 years old, no more. These churches were built by the priests themselves, because churches were forbidden in some periods of Christianity. Judging by the architecture of the windows, it is a Gothic modern style - no stained glass, ornaments, or sparingly done exterior. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary apartment building, which was not at all uncommon in those days. And if you go deeper into https://firstchurchlove.com you can see that in reality in such houses there are still basements where old furniture stands. There may still be a lot of interesting things there.
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