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Some Sinar Hy6 - eMotion 75 Image Samples

I think that WHATEVER you post there will be comments.
I did several mini reviews and always there was someone who said it was garbage because I did not use the lens he would have used.
When I did, someone responded I should try a Zeiss f2.0 lens from 1970 on the 5D and that I would than have a good comparison, yeah sure :D

We must be glad that people like Thierry is posting and commenting on things and not flame him for his choice.

I think it's great that today in the online communities people like Thierry respond and let us see what they are up to.

Going back to my response :D
I was not commenting in a bad way, but the camera is brand new and I think (PERSONALLY) that for example a low key portret will show much more about what the system is capable off.
I know that I shoot much more low key since I made the switch to the more dynamic MF system :D

So Thierry I meant with all good intents.

I think that WHATEVER you post there will be comments.
I did several mini reviews and always there was someone who said it was garbage because I did not use the lens he would have used.
When I did, someone responded I should try a Zeiss f2.0 lens from 1970 on the 5D and that I would than have a good comparison, yeah sure :D

We must be glad that people like Thierry is posting and commenting on things and not flame him for his choice.

I think it's great that today in the online communities people like Thierry respond and let us see what they are up to.

Going back to my response :D
I was not commenting in a bad way, but the camera is brand new and I think (PERSONALLY) that for example a low key portret will show much more about what the system is capable off.
I know that I shoot much more low key since I made the switch to the more dynamic MF system :D

So Thierry I meant with all good intents.

I think that WHATEVER you post there will be comments.
I did several mini reviews and always there was someone who said it was garbage because I did not use the lens he would have used.
When I did, someone responded I should try a Zeiss f2.0 lens from 1970 on the 5D and that I would than have a good comparison, yeah sure :D

We must be glad that people like Thierry is posting and commenting on things and not flame him for his choice.

I think it's great that today in the online communities people like Thierry respond and let us see what they are up to.

Going back to my response :D
I was not commenting in a bad way, but the camera is brand new and I think (PERSONALLY) that for example a low key portret will show much more about what the system is capable off.
I know that I shoot much more low key since I made the switch to the more dynamic MF system :D

So Thierry I meant with all good intents.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks for your kind comments, Frank!

I think that WHATEVER you post there will be comments.
I did several mini reviews and always there was someone who said it was garbage because I did not use the lens he would have used.
When I did, someone responded I should try a Zeiss f2.0 lens from 1970 on the 5D and that I would than have a good comparison, yeah sure :D

I hope that was not me, the only Zeiss f 2.0 I have is a 28 mm Distagon and was from about 2002!

We must be glad that people like Thierry is posting and commenting on things and not flame him for his choice.

We do not often have "flamers". It's a rare thing for OPF! When there are hypercritical remarks, we all are taken back. If you read my critique of Rachel's shot of a waterfowl on a new England river with snow on one bank, you will see that I myself can be extraordinarilly strong in pointing out how an image does not meet its purpose and the photographer's intent. However, I've been helpful all along so I can measure that I have probably earned sufficient credit to be able to essentially "rip that picture to shreads"! There is no malice, or hint of arrogance in my critique as I am not dismissive and show total respect. That is what we try to to in OPF. We have no wish to hold back the toughest criticism and it is worse than useless to dish out unearned praise. Still, we can be careful and courteous. Most of OPFers recognize that a post is either to get help, to show what can be done or do share some insight. It may be self-evident that we need to nurture those who actually post images for us to put on our screens and try to damage with curves, levels etc. I love to see how resilient files are as that tells me something about the competance of the camera. If the images are in some way short of what's expected, let's talk about that, but together with what works well too.

As far as the detail in the eyes is concerned, lack of blood vessels can be simply the result of the girl having slept well and the light being a 1/2 to a stop over exposed! If the images can be had RAw, obviously that would be good too. However, I cannot expect them to come, just maybe they will :)

I must admit I was a little shaken by harsh criticism of Thierry's delivered images. Still, I'm glad we do get people's views. Even if its "wrong", at least it let's us know what gaps need to be closed.

The facts of the matter are already decided. The Sinar Backs are as great as I believe they are or they are not. We can show pictures that demonstrate the full dynamic range and faithful color without artifact, or we cannot.

We'll know soon enough!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks for your kind comments, Frank!

I think that WHATEVER you post there will be comments.
I did several mini reviews and always there was someone who said it was garbage because I did not use the lens he would have used.
When I did, someone responded I should try a Zeiss f2.0 lens from 1970 on the 5D and that I would than have a good comparison, yeah sure :D

I hope that was not me, the only Zeiss f 2.0 I have is a 28 mm Distagon and was from about 2002!

We must be glad that people like Thierry is posting and commenting on things and not flame him for his choice.

We do not often have "flamers". It's a rare thing for OPF! When there are hypercritical remarks, we all are taken back. If you read my critique of Rachel's shot of a waterfowl on a new England river with snow on one bank, you will see that I myself can be extraordinarilly strong in pointing out how an image does not meet its purpose and the photographer's intent. However, I've been helpful all along so I can measure that I have probably earned sufficient credit to be able to essentially "rip that picture to shreads"! There is no malice, or hint of arrogance in my critique as I am not dismissive and show total respect. That is what we try to to in OPF. We have no wish to hold back the toughest criticism and it is worse than useless to dish out unearned praise. Still, we can be careful and courteous. Most of OPFers recognize that a post is either to get help, to show what can be done or do share some insight. It may be self-evident that we need to nurture those who actually post images for us to put on our screens and try to damage with curves, levels etc. I love to see how resilient files are as that tells me something about the competance of the camera. If the images are in some way short of what's expected, let's talk about that, but together with what works well too.

As far as the detail in the eyes is concerned, lack of blood vessels can be simply the result of the girl having slept well and the light being a 1/2 to a stop over exposed! If the images can be had RAw, obviously that would be good too. However, I cannot expect them to come, just maybe they will :)

I must admit I was a little shaken by harsh criticism of Thierry's delivered images. Still, I'm glad we do get people's views. Even if its "wrong", at least it let's us know what gaps need to be closed.

The facts of the matter are already decided. The Sinar Backs are as great as I believe they are or they are not. We can show pictures that demonstrate the full dynamic range and faithful color without artifact, or we cannot.

We'll know soon enough!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks for your kind comments, Frank!

I think that WHATEVER you post there will be comments.
I did several mini reviews and always there was someone who said it was garbage because I did not use the lens he would have used.
When I did, someone responded I should try a Zeiss f2.0 lens from 1970 on the 5D and that I would than have a good comparison, yeah sure :D

I hope that was not me, the only Zeiss f 2.0 I have is a 28 mm Distagon and was from about 2002!

We must be glad that people like Thierry is posting and commenting on things and not flame him for his choice.

We do not often have "flamers". It's a rare thing for OPF! When there are hypercritical remarks, we all are taken back. If you read my critique of Rachel's shot of a waterfowl on a new England river with snow on one bank, you will see that I myself can be extraordinarilly strong in pointing out how an image does not meet its purpose and the photographer's intent. However, I've been helpful all along so I can measure that I have probably earned sufficient credit to be able to essentially "rip that picture to shreads"! There is no malice, or hint of arrogance in my critique as I am not dismissive and show total respect. That is what we try to to in OPF. We have no wish to hold back the toughest criticism and it is worse than useless to dish out unearned praise. Still, we can be careful and courteous. Most of OPFers recognize that a post is either to get help, to show what can be done or do share some insight. It may be self-evident that we need to nurture those who actually post images for us to put on our screens and try to damage with curves, levels etc. I love to see how resilient files are as that tells me something about the competance of the camera. If the images are in some way short of what's expected, let's talk about that, but together with what works well too.

As far as the detail in the eyes is concerned, lack of blood vessels can be simply the result of the girl having slept well and the light being a 1/2 to a stop over exposed! If the images can be had RAw, obviously that would be good too. However, I cannot expect them to come, just maybe they will :)

I must admit I was a little shaken by harsh criticism of Thierry's delivered images. Still, I'm glad we do get people's views. Even if its "wrong", at least it let's us know what gaps need to be closed.

The facts of the matter are already decided. The Sinar Backs are as great as I believe they are or they are not. We can show pictures that demonstrate the full dynamic range and faithful color without artifact, or we cannot.

We'll know soon enough!

hi Frank,

I agree that low-key situations would be great to have, but then you have to forget about me providing them from here from Asian photographers. That's something which is almost never done or seen.

But am sure that there will be some good photographer in the near future able to provide such shots (may be you Frank?)

Going back to my response :D
I was not commenting in a bad way, but the camera is brand new and I think (PERSONALLY) that for example a low key portret will show much more about what the system is capable off.
I know that I shoot much more low key since I made the switch to the more dynamic MF system :D

So Thierry I meant with all good intents.

hi Frank,

I agree that low-key situations would be great to have, but then you have to forget about me providing them from here from Asian photographers. That's something which is almost never done or seen.

But am sure that there will be some good photographer in the near future able to provide such shots (may be you Frank?)

Going back to my response :D
I was not commenting in a bad way, but the camera is brand new and I think (PERSONALLY) that for example a low key portret will show much more about what the system is capable off.
I know that I shoot much more low key since I made the switch to the more dynamic MF system :D

So Thierry I meant with all good intents.

hi Frank,

I agree that low-key situations would be great to have, but then you have to forget about me providing them from here from Asian photographers. That's something which is almost never done or seen.

But am sure that there will be some good photographer in the near future able to provide such shots (may be you Frank?)

Going back to my response :D
I was not commenting in a bad way, but the camera is brand new and I think (PERSONALLY) that for example a low key portret will show much more about what the system is capable off.
I know that I shoot much more low key since I made the switch to the more dynamic MF system :D

So Thierry I meant with all good intents.


Ray West

New member
Hope I've not screwed it up

I've moved the posts following the one above to a new thread in
this new location

I hope that is OK with every one. I had hoped to copy the bits related to the images that were posted back to here, but It is a bit fiddly. Perhaps folk could just repost, just keeping to the impressions of the images posted.

Best wishes,

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I've moved the posts following the one above to a new thread in
this new location

I hope that is OK with every one. I had hoped to copy the bits related to the images that were posted back to here, but It is a bit fiddly. Perhaps folk could just repost, just keeping to the impressions of the images posted.

Note that this thread has been pruned so that we can discuss the Sinar images here. The posts dealing with the general and highly contraversial questions on the MFRS of MF backs and what's going on, have been moved

In OPF we try to keep on topic and also we don't delete, rather utilize the new daughter topics to make new threads which are in focus too! This is a routine operation. Nothing special to this thread!

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somehow I cannot access to your "moved" posts.

Best regards,

Note that this thread has been pruned so that we can discuss the Sinar images here. The posts dealing with the general and highly contraversial questions on the MFRS of MF backs and what's going on, have been moved

In OPF we try to keep on topic and also we don't delete, rather utilize the new daughter topics to make new threads which are in focus too! This is a routine operation. Nothing special to this thread!

Last edited by a moderator:

Tony Field

New member
Interesting set of images! As others have indicated, the "Oriental hi key" takes a bit to get used to when evaluating images. To fix this for my Canadian eyes, I pulled the highlight down a bit in photoshop curves to roughly approximate what I am used to judging for skin tone density.

Although the resulting toned down image still shows marks of overexposure, I was really quite impressed with the general dynamic range (but then I don't shoot medium format digital). Of course, the absolute sharpness is outstanding. Colour modulation in the hair and the darker parts of the skin seems really quite fine. I would love to shoot this camera with one of MY ladies in MY environment.

I examined each of the colour channels. The green and blue are what I expect from a medium format camera. However, I think (please disagree) that the red channel in the lower tones of the hair look a bit mushed - sort of like the softness that I saw when I converted from Nikon to Canon digitals. This is in areas where the green and blue are perfectly crisp. On a 100% crop print on my Epson 4800, this softness does not really manifest itself - printing is the great leveler of quality :)

I would love to see what this system looks like with a fashion / portrait shot with full light modulation in the mid tones and shadows and processed more to my personal predilections.

Of course, the Para is a delightful device - I have only a couple of shots with the monster light and was most pleased.