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Spider holster versus Cotton Carry Lite

Bob Keenan

New member
I have a Canon 5DmkII. Most of the time I have a 24-70mm on it but I also use my 70-200mm f2.8. I like to walk around and take shots. Sometimes I will carry 1-2 other lenses in a shoulder bag. Other times I will carry a tripod as well (not that often).

I discovered Black rapid straps about 1 1/2 years ago. And I love them. Wrote a blog post about it here.



I do not like the freedom of movement that it has....which is also a plus when you are taking photos. If I lean over the trunk of my car....clunk... goes the camera on the car. If I want to climb some boulders to get out on a jetty...crash.... goes the camera on the rocks. Other that that I love it.....but it does restrict some things.

I know that the Cotton Carrier system that is mounted on the chest is a good solution. But I don't think that I can take the attention that wearing that system would create.

I also know that there are bags that can go on belts or small backpacks but that defeats the really easy accessibility that I want.

I am leaning towards getting the spider holster and then putting it on a think tank belt as the leg guard on the spider holster looks restrictive in a crouched or sitting position.

But I would love to hear your thoughts on the Spider and Cotton systems?
Bob Keenan