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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

Still Video


Well-known member
Hi Mark,

Just my honest opinion. I agree with Jerome that the editing of this last version is over the top. I could not watch it past the 1st refrain, honestly. This does not mean that it is bad, obviously. Just that I may be (am) an old rocker for whom this is too much excitement. ;)

I have to agree for the video (not the music) ...I just think, now the old version of the video is just too "plain", but the new version is too "crazy" (I didn't throw away at least:) ) I'd prefer something in the middle. The music, IMHO, is better like that...

Jerome Marot

Well-known member
There is something I should say: I did not watch all the intermediate versions. When doing this kind of project, it is very easy to get carried away. If one watches all the versions one after the other, the final one will appear a lot less confusing than if one sees it with fresh eyes. Same video, but different perception.

Mark Hampton

New member

thanks for the feedback - I must point out I wanted it to be confused - distressing and almost imposable to watch. Its why its a remix and the official version.

The official one as described was more passive and would meet the criteria that videos generally do - being readable and vaguely enjoyable to watch /listen to. The intent of the remix is to move completely out of the commercial space and into a space closer to my own taste in music and video work.

As I said in an earlier post – I was working within the constraints of a team – this version could be read on one level as a response to that situation.

I may introduce some colour into the next update !

Keep your eyes peeled – and thanks for watching !



Well-known member
Hi Mark,

Just to let you know, I have been following the new developments in the background but I wanted to hold the c&c untill the plot thickens.

Mark Hampton

New member
Hi Mark,

Just to let you know, I have been following the new developments in the background but I wanted to hold the c&c untill the plot thickens.


you're naughty !



Davvi - M - Hampton​


Mark Hampton

New member
Hi, Hi..

about 10K images later - got a RC 3.01 - still working over some of the edits and working on the pace of some the sections (i.e. the last section - peeks to early).

happy with - some of the stills and overlays - suits the music

unhappy with - some of the stills and overlays

again working with others is my main issue... but hey..

Band are The New Times from Dundee - music is punk/pop.

