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Jack Hudkins

New member
Been working some of my surf images for a b/w presentation.


jack hudkins


Rich Beaubien

New member
Impressive. I'd love to see a print of this. It's got so much texture. I can just "feel" the wave. Well done.

I went over to the web site to check it out. I think I like the B&W best because they transmit the power of the wave, and the control of the board. Excellent stuff.


Jack Hudkins

New member
Impressive. I'd love to see a print of this. It's got so much texture. I can just "feel" the wave. Well done.

I went over to the web site to check it out. I think I like the B&W best because they trasmit the power of the wave, and the control of the board. Excelleant stuff.


Hey Rich, thanks very much. I do like the b/w also. I'll have some more samples to post soon.

best, jack.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Been working some of my surf images for a b/w presentation.


jack hudkins

Hi Jack,

This is a very abbreviated image but it's impressive. It's truly like a flash vision that one tries to remember. This is one style that holds it's own. Still, there's a lot that photography can bring to the scene. Maybe it's been done already. Does any photographer you know cover all the ranges of the grey scale with no blow out of the brights, like a classic B&W landscape picture in one of the National Parks?


Jack Hudkins

New member
Hi Jack,

This is a very abbreviated image but it's impressive. It's truly like a flash vision that one tries to remember. This is one style that holds it's own. Still, there's a lot that photography can bring to the scene. Maybe it's been done already. Does any photographer you know cover all the ranges of the grey scale with no blow out of the brights, like a classic B&W landscape picture in one of the National Parks?


Thanks Asher,

really appreciate your input. For some reason, I am drawn to a muted darker look. I think it makes me stop and 'look' more.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

David Orias Surfer Silhouette Source, RedBubble

This is more like what I was thinking of, where there is an extensive range of shading. Do you know any photographers who specialize in this style.


Jack Hudkins

New member

David Orias Surfer Silhouette Source, RedBubble

This is more like what I was thinking of, where there is an extensive range of shading. Do you know any photographers who specialize in this style.


Hey Asher,

Yes, I do know a photographer who shoots this way. I do alot of this slow shutter early morning photography as well. I'll dig up some images.


Sandra Jones

New member
I checked your site. Didn't know surf photography could be so bloody beautiful. I was riveted to your slideshow, then oogled everything else you have. Love your unique use of such rich colours.

This b&w you've posted here appeals to me less, but your style impressed me enough to want to see more, so...I still appreciate it. I think it would look fantastic as a large print.

Mike Shimwell

New member
Charcoal and chalk, love it. I like the way this is reduced to the minimum, like a sketch rather than a photograph. I can imagine printed reasonably large on some nice textured rag paper.
