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Sweet Camera Strap

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
[Awesome Strap]

My grandson’s wife Elise, got me the sweetest gift over the weekend. A beautiful real leather strap for my Olympus camera. The colour is perfect, fits comfortably and the strap attachments are very strong. Plus she personalized it, in case I forget my name when I’m out shooting 🤩

The brand is MegaGear . I don’t know how she came across the company, but when I visited the website I loved that their products are beautifully designed top grain leather. And I was also impressed with this:

Free Worldwide Shipping (Delivery in 3-5 days for most countries)​

**All orders will be delivered DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). MegaGear assumes all of the responsibility, risk, and costs associated with transporting goods including VAT, duty and other expenses until the buyer receives the order.





Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Rob,

That is so nice, and such a thoughtful gift. I know you are very proud of your grandson and his wife.

How did we get so old that our grandchildren have wives and children?

Best regards,


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
Personally, I tend to use a thin braided strap on most of my cameras. I got this one from Hama (cheap):


The advantage over the manufacturer's strap is that I hate to advertise brands on my neck. The advantage over thicker Straps (e.g. Neoprene Straps) is that it folds nicely in the camera bag or around my hand (as a wriststrap).

I never found it too thin to be uncomfortable. I probably would if I used my 70-200 f/2.8 more often or used a grip on my camera or had one of these EOS-1 / D3-4 monsters. I carry the camera over my shoulder, not around my neck, that may also explain things.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I can see how a thinner strap would be practical in the way you use it Jerome.

The camera shown above with my newly gifted camera strap is my pro body that has an arca Swiss L bracket attached on it. This one is primarily being placed off and on a tripod. With the strap over my neck, I don’t have to set the camera down on the ground to setup or make adjustments, and it leaves my hands free to do those things or direct people if my camera is off tripod.

For events I often shoot with two cameras. My second pro body has a vertical battery grip and longer focal length lens. I love my rapid strap for that one to allow that setup to hang by my side at my hip and be pulled up into action quickly while letting my main camera and lens hang on my neck and not interfere. I always have liked the idea of using a camera strap hanging the camera from my shoulder instead of over my neck —— but with the way I am constantly bending over or tipping sideways, the strap and camera tend to slip off and just require more attention.

For my small day to day Olympus cameras I find camera straps of any type to be less desirable - and have really enjoyed wrist straps for the purpose of holding a camera securely and allowing the camera to be cradled in my hand ready for action as I’m out and about walking streets or travelling by bus or train. I used to have a wrist grip but never really liked them because my hand wasn’t free to do anything other than hold the camera.

I could have purchased a nice wrist strap, but instead made use of the free branded straps that came with my camera, by having my wife cut one end off and running double stitches on her sewing machine to make the perfectly sized loop to allow my hand to slide in and out. Not quite as fancy as the ones available with swivels or made of rope, etc —— but didn’t cost a penny and totally functional. I have 3 of these E-M10 camera bodies (that Iuse with the ultra small 14-42 kit lenses) and each has one of these homemade Olympus wrist straps attached to it.



Years ago I purchased a wide neopreme padded stretchy strap to make my camera comfortable. I found it to be sweaty and the width and bouncing of my camera as I walked became irritating.

I have come to appreciate well constructed long lasting leather straps over the years. On two occasions in my younger years, I lost some expensive gear because of purchasing cheaper camera straps. Once I was in a mall at the top of an escalator photographing what was down below, and my strap let go. My camera, lens and motor winder smashed to the ground 30 feet below. Thank goodness there was no one standing there. Another time I had my camera with motor drive and 300mm lens hanging from my shoulder as I was riding my bike around taking pics. The strap rings worked free and I remember looking back and watching my gear go bouncing down the road. Costly fix. Another time at a wedding I tripped while racing Down a flight of stairs to get my shots - my camera fell out of my hand and the strap had frayed enough that it let go. Batteries popped out of the camera as well as a few dings, and my Nikon speed light exploded in to pieces at the bottom of the stairs. From then on I determined that a well built long lasting comfortable strap (heavy duty material, stitching and attachments) was worth investing extra dollars in 🤩
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Jerome Marot

Well-known member
If your wife likes to make camera or hand straps, you can buy nylon webbing straps by the roll in the right width. The little plastic parts to block the strap at a given length are also readily available.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
If your wife likes to make camera or hand straps, you can buy nylon webbing straps by the roll in the right width. The little plastic parts to block the strap at a given length are also readily available.

She doesn’t like making straps. She just happens to be a seamstress and quilt designer https://craftedcomforts.com/

Turns out that the wrist straps she has quickly put together for me, aren’t much different in design than this $50 CAD Peak Design model I just saw someone promoting on YouTube. Totally functional, super strong and FREE (I have a bunch of Olympus camera straps included with all of the Olympus cameras I have purchased over the 40 plus years I’ve been purchasing Olympus cameras) 🤩

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Peter Dexter

Well-known member
That is a nice looking strap. I finally settled on an Upstrap by Journy Camera as its the only one that doesn't slip off my shoulder when carrying a heavy camera and telefoto lens combo.